schizoanalizys for beginners III

Hi Marisa,
We lend term schizoanalizys from Deleuse&Guattari's capital work"Anti-Oedip=
We never find schizophrenia,as you lucid explained to us as a kind of"sexy =
alternative to 'reality."
Our friend,singer,have this hard illness several years and we know how thi=
s it look like.
Also MANIK find every topic open,including natural resources which find man=
ifestation in many mental,intellectual,education…etc. difference&contrast=
are often expression of difference between culture which bring polyphony/he=
terogeneous world considered "art"and creativity.This is well known as"Theo=
ry about guest",develop in Deleuse/Guattari book"What's Philosophy?"In thei=
r word philosophy actually grown from this meeting(north-south,east-west),a=
nd those meetings are base for Ancient Greece,which mean West civilisation.=

Where's ethic line over nobody mustn't pass?List(Rhizome_Raw) is Rhizomati=
c creation.So far membership was able
to define principle of self regulation.Rough but not rude.At least MANIK th=
ink so.
We believe in Rhizomers and their capability to keep and develop high inte=
llectual and creative level of List.

Marisa wrote:
I know there is a facetious pun at play here, but I just wanted to chip in
about a subject very important to me…

I have long been appalled by the way that theorists supposedly steeped in
psychoanalytic readings could misdefine schizophrenia and then
consistently glamorize this very serious, very misdefined condition as
some sexy alternative to 'reality.' There is a long list of scholars
who've become quite famous in the course of building and upholding this

Now I'm all for creativity, metaphor, and wordplay, but I feel that any of
us with a ligitimate interest in these discourses or in contributing to
any kind of meaningful conversation have a personal responsibility not to
entrench this kind of grossly irresponsible scholarship.



, Marisa Olson


> We never find schizophrenia,as you lucid explained to us as a kind of"sexy
> alternative to 'reality."

Sorry–didn't mean to imply that you were personally guilty of this.
Just wanted to take the opportunity to bring it up, since I never see
people bring it up.

> Our friend,singer,have this hard illness several years and we know how this
> it look like.

Yes, I know what it looks like too. Terrible stuff. In fact, while
it's not a 'terminal illness,' it has indirectly contributed to the
deaths of a few people close to me. This is why I'm so opinionated
about not abusing the term.

> We believe in Rhizomers and their capability to keep and develop high
> intellectual and creative level of List.

Me too!!! :)
