Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Concha Garcia. I am the Co-ordinator of VIDEONET-06, an event of video and Net-Art that is produced by last-year students of Fine Arts Universities.

The first edition of VIDEONET took place last year and included works made only by students of Spanish Universities. Due to the success of the previous edition we have decided to replicate the same experience this year, broadening its scope by inviting as well students from PoRtugal, Mediterranean and Latin-American countries.

VIDEONET-06 is organized by the School of Architecture and Fine Arts of the European University of Madrid, Spain, and specifically by the Official Master of Contemporary Art,, which will start next academic year 2006-2007.

This second edition of VIDEONET will take place during the last week of September 2006 (25/9-29/9) in the European University of Madrid, which is located in Villaviciosa de Odon, Madrid, Spain.

As part of the preparation of the event we are contacting universities that could be potentially interested in participating with us this year. In this context, we would like to kindly request you to either send us the details of the person or persons responsible in your university for the subjects related to the event, or simply pass them over the following information regarding the participation in the event:

1.VIDEO: We would like to propose the participating Universities to make a 20 minutes video containing the selection of the most interesting pieces of work of the students from the last years of your University. We would like to receive them together in a DVD.

In this regard, it is important to stress that we will not make the selection of the works. This will be your responsibility as participating university, since the aim is to show the most representative pieces of the work that is being undertaken in your University.

It would be good if you could attach a presentation (video or short text) containing information regarding the works and the authors. This presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.

2.NET-ART. Each University will have allocated a time span of 30 minutes. You should send us an instruction note to make the guided tours in Internet, and a brief introduction of the students