JOB - Sabbatical Replacement - Video/New Media

Sabbatical Replacement, Media Arts Department, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford

Two course replacement for Fall 2006 semester. Candidate should be able to teach two, 3-credit undergraduate courses, 6 contact hours per week, per course, in the following areas:
1) Introduction to Video, 2) Video post-production, (intermediate level) OR 2) Special Topics in New Media applications with video integration.

1) Introduction to Video must address experimental, non-commercial, art-based video, and non-traditional narrative applications of video production. Course should be directed toward creative uses of the moving image with emphasis on the basics of portable video production and non-linear editing using MiniDV format. This is a production course within a creative problem-solving environment and must include critical discussions and screenings in video/media art history and practice. Projects can be collaborative or individually focused but each student will be required to acquire an entry-level knowledge of shooting, lighting, sound and editing. Cursory technical introduction to Final Cut Pro 5 is required. There are no prerequisites to the course but most students are from a fine arts or design background. Class enrollment is approximately 14-18, sophomore through senior level.

2) Post-production class (intermediate level) also must address experimental, non-commercial, art-based video, and non-traditional narrative applications in video. Collaborative projects encouraged. Rigorous use of sound recording/mixing/editing preferred - not music video format but "sound as material" approach. At least two projects can be single channel, multi-channel, and/or installation/projection or performance based with post-production focus. Critical discussions, screenings, and readings in contemporary video/media practice must be a part of the course as a generative vehicle for project production and analysis. Non-art based course material is encouraged. Prerequisites include Intro to Video or Intro to Media Arts. Class enrollment is approximately
6-12, sophomore through senior level with an occasional graduate student.


2) SPECIAL TOPICS in New Media studio class (intermediate level) addressing web-based, data-base, interactive, programming, performance, and installation with video production integration. Projects should be experimental in nature and use any variety of computer applications for execution (Flash, MAX, Isadora, Dreamweaver, Director, open source,