Launching: Visual AIDS blog

Freinds & Colleagues,

NEWSgrist announces the launch of a new project:
A developed for Visual AIDS, the New York-based non-profit AIDS advocacy
organization for artists.

press release link:

Visual AIDS >blog:

Visual AIDS site:

The blog offers links to a wide variety of resources. Categories of interest

* AIDS + The Arts
* Histories + Memorials
* AIDS Advocacy (New York)
* AIDS Advocacy (Elsewhere)
* Recommended Publications

Visual AIDS blog posts will range from exhibition announcements, press
releases for events including the Visual AIDS monthly web gallery, the
Postcards annual benefit, and relevant articles from online news and
blogosphere sources. Posts are generated by staff, board members, friends
and colleagues in the arts and health professions, activists, artists and
guest bloggers. More info on Visual AIDS can be found on their main site:

Founded in 1988 Visual AIDS was one of the first national initiatives to
record the impact of the AIDS pandemic on the artistic community. It brought
together the arts and AIDS communities through its renowned national
projects DAY WITH(OUT) ART, Night Without Light, and The Ribbon Project.

Visual AIDS strives to increase public awareness of AIDS through the visual
arts, creating programs of exhibitions, events and publications, and working
in partnership with artists, galleries, museums and AIDS organizations.

By mobilizing the visual arts communities, Visual AIDS raises money to
provide direct services to artists living with HIV/AIDS.

Advocacy continues to drive the ongoing work of all Visual AIDS programs. It
involves: the lobbying of gallery and museum staff to program the work of
artists with HIV/AIDS; dissemination of information; education of funding
agencies and the general public about the impact of AIDS within the arts;
and promotion of the needs of artists living with HIV/AIDS.

Keep your eyes open for future developments here:

Visual AIDS >blog



, joy garnett

Friends & Colleagues,

NEWSgrist announces the launch of a new project:
A blog developed for Visual AIDS, the New York-based non-profit AIDS
advocacy organization for artists.

press release link:

Visual AIDS >blog:

Visual AIDS site:

The blog offers links to a wide variety of resources. Categories of interest

* AIDS + The Arts
* Histories + Memorials
* AIDS Advocacy (New York)
* AIDS Advocacy (Elsewhere)
* Recommended Publications

Visual AIDS blog posts will range from exhibition announcements, press
releases for events including the Visual AIDS monthly web gallery, the
Postcards annual benefit, and relevant articles from online news and
blogosphere sources. Posts are generated by staff, board members, friends
and colleagues in the arts and health professions, activists, artists and
guest bloggers. More info on Visual AIDS can be found on their main site:

Founded in 1988 Visual AIDS was one of the first national initiatives to
record the impact of the AIDS pandemic on the artistic community. It brought
together the arts and AIDS communities through its renowned national
projects DAY WITH(OUT) ART, Night Without Light, and The Ribbon Project.

Visual AIDS strives to increase public awareness of AIDS through the visual
arts, creating programs of exhibitions, events and publications, and working
in partnership with artists, galleries, museums and AIDS organizations.

By mobilizing the visual arts communities, Visual AIDS raises money to
provide direct services to artists living with HIV/AIDS.

Advocacy continues to drive the ongoing work of all Visual AIDS programs. It
involves: the lobbying of gallery and museum staff to program the work of
artists with HIV/AIDS; dissemination of information; education of funding
agencies and the general public about the impact of AIDS within the arts;
and promotion of the needs of artists living with HIV/AIDS.

Keep your eyes open for future developments here:

Visual AIDS >blog
