Sporkworld the Community -- call for articles for new site - CONTRIBUTE !

To my friends and net acquaintances:

You probably know my web site www.sporkworld.org. Now I will be launching
(in a few days) a companion "community site" (blog which welcomes
contributors) which will publish articles about the themes addressed on
Sporkworld. I am writing to you to ask you if you want to contribute to
this site by submitting articles. Note that I haven't yet officially
announced the site yet, so there should be few visitors and therefore not
many comments etc.

You can see new site at http://www.sporkworld.org//index.php. There are
probably still bugs in the interface and the site will acquire more features
as it develops. For example, I may add a way for users to upload images
into photo albums, discussion forums, news feeds, etc. There will also be
new articles appearing all the time, initially written by me but I hope
people (you!) will contribute articles in the future.

The first story on the front page of the blog tells about submitting
articles. I do not promise to publish everything you send me, but I am
eager to get as much material as possible, so I will strongly consider each
submission. There is no fixed article length– the minimum is a few
paragraphs and there is no maximum. So far I have only five topic areas for
articles, but these will expand as the site matures.

The current topics are "Reviews" (of any kind of art or literature or music,
etc.), "Web Art" (reviews, opinions, technical explanations of how pieces
are made, nasty reviews, etc.), "Mental Health" (commentary or personal
stories), "Poetry" (reviews, analysis, discussion of issues that come up as
you write poetry, poetics and poetic techniques. Possibly even some
poems – I am undecided on the latter.), and "The Daily Saga" (personal
stories and editorials about daily life, stories which reflect diverse
subcultures such as ethnic, socioeconomic and religious groups about which
readers may know little about, international stories reflecting daily life
outside the US in a way we cannot get from the news or stereotypes, pet
peeves and annoyances, discussions of various online communities, ranting
and raving, humor, etc.)

In addition, I have a topic called "Site News" which will contain posts
about this site or the main www.sporkworld.org site. This topic will feature
various works on the main site and describe (I cannot review my own works
but you can!) them, and may also have calls for participation in Sporkworld
collaborative projects and opportunities to get your work published on
Sporkworld. You are welcome to help me write the descriptions of works
already on my site (and you may include negative critcism!), but that is
probably a chore I will have to do.

If you are interested in writing any other type of article, please let me
know so I can add a new topic if I agree that it is needed. I will probably
add a "Politics" topic very soon.

There is a feature on the site to submit links for the links page. Please
submit your own links and links you like to it, especially links to sites
relating to the topics on the site.

If there are any bugs in the blog user interface or errors on the site,
please let me know and I will do my best to fix them. You may have to be a
little patient with me on this because I am new to blogging and the geeklog
software which I used to build this site. If anyone has geeklog experience,
I'd love to hear about it!

Thanks for reading this and I hope to hear from you soon!

Millie Niss
[email protected]


PS: I do recomend you visit and contribute to Niss' blog

Regina Celia Pinto