A_video_Performance_in_the_heart_of_Amazon_by_Joeser_Alv arez

Dear friends,

I would like to invite you to visit:


There you will know an amazing video - performance done in the heart of
Amazon by Joeser Alvarez. I really like very much this new work called
"Sentido" (Sense ) by Alvarez. It reminds me an Art Museum in Niteroi, Rio
de Janeiro - MAC
(http://mega.ist.utl.pt/~dcov/dac/fotos.html), projected by Niemeyer, where
the lansdscape is so beautiful that it is very difficult to an artist to
compete with it. All kind of work that one place there becomes fade because
of the view.

To one that does not remember, Alvarez was the guest of the third
collaborative review of last year.

The size of the video is 3924 kb, but I get to see it without problems using
my connection via moden, so if you have a fast connection it will be easy.

Alvarez is now working hard with video, his passion. I have with me two
excellent videos of him, the first one is a DVD - Vestigios Urbanos (Urban
Vestiges), which I will write a review about it yet. The second is "Moinhos
de Vento" (Wind Mills), which I received as a gift because of the third
birthday of the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That. This last one I
will launch next Fall in the museums
video room.

A very good weekend to all.

Regina Celia Pinto


New Work: