can I have your autograph?

In order to get to the essence of a particular archetype we must first peels apart the layers. My requests for common people’s autographs through the mail breaks down the hierarchy established by the cult of celebrity. The choice of vehicle and words used is left to the decision of the autographee and therefore the actual art material is out of my control. The participants of this project determine how they will make their mark, what type of trace to leave. In order to get to this essence I must first make visible the layers and trace the steps that create archetypes such as femininity, masculinity and in recent work fame/success and insanity.

Autographs can be in any form - electronic, paper, sent via post or email. To date I have received emails, photographs, signed business cards, IDs and drivers licenses and even the autographs of make believe creatures. I have signatures from young and old, relatives and strangers and it has only been two months.

What the actual autograph contains is up to the maker as well - it is how you represent yourself.

This project will continue for an indefinite length of time, samples of the autographs will be posted on in the upcoming weeks.

send your autograph to: [email protected] email to send an autograph via postal mail.
for more information visit:

thank you.