Invitation to Rhizome ArtBase 101


So - today Rhizome ArtBase 101, an exhibition featuring 40 selections from
the ArtBase, opens to the public at the New Museum in New York. The works
are organized around ten themes - such as E-Commerce, Software art or Net
Cinema. All the works are installed on computers, and some have additionally
been elaborated into installations in the gallery space.

All Rhizome Members receive half-price admission ($3) to the exhibition -
which runs through September 10th.

As our membership is constantly fluctuating, we plan to get an updated list
to the New Museum admission staff every Friday throughout the Summer.
Practically, this means if you become a Member on Tuesday of a certain week
- they wont have your name at the door until the following Monday morning.

Also - I am hoping to have an online version of the show up on the site by
Monday 6/27.

Information about the New Museum (address/ hours/ show info) can be found

