NKdeE Newsletter Extra (English only) - A note on Sondheim, take 2


… A note on Alan Sondheim, take 2 (fading, exploding, fading)…

One of the more ambitious stuff going on in my shaky Cathedral at
http://www.vilt.net is the attempt to formulate answers to analyses like the
one from Alan Sondheim below (see
http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt/net4.txt for the complete source

'Answers' is a bad word, however, it's more a matter of writing into this
kind of text floating on the dim moonlit field where art meets with
philosophy on a common ground of howling fear and throws it's inward gaze
back onto society, deflecting despair from the individual to the
unresponsive dull mass of internet text users.

A question, rather, of materialising on absent readership through vanishing
authorship (absent because 1: text on the internet remains to a large extend
unwritten until it is printed, or till the industry finally comes up with a
'materialising' screen rendering, visualising the traumatic aspects of text
in an efficient way, and 2 because the medium itself hoaxes its 'users' into
consuming text, clicking and sucking it in as a liquid, a visual hybrid that
loses or even contradicts the inner voice of the author, she herself on the
brink of losing her touch 'n feel of the word itself, of the flow that
language was before she hacked into this stream of unconsciousness, plugged
herself into the mediating apparatus that allows her to spit it out at
formerly unknown speeds), throwing the
linking-fading-exploding-fading-linking machine forward from an installment,
an instance of temporary arrest, of banking 'gained' points in a game of the
weakest link brought live on the net, that is at the same time a sign of its
own deficit, throwing it away from the freezing body into a haltering rhythm
someone else might sing to, or curse in, dance to, scream at…

There's a lot in that text that i can agree to, if you want opinions, it's
mainly the basic concept of GRANULARITY that i must refuse. I tend to
believe that granularity is a regression to a primal but fictional atomism
that can be avoided. 'Fictional' to be understood as any human act of
representation or of perception itself, fiction as that process that we
actually need to deal with the real to avoid the abyss of reality itself.
Human mind cannot bare too much reality (Eliot), so the atomism itself is a
primal need of humans, but in our human state of being we constantly deny it
as well, as our desire is towards a complete annihilation of fiction and
thus of any refraining concept of atoms or grains or points or whatever you
want to name the singularity. We need singularity, because that's how our
brains work, much like we need(ed) gods or Lacanian Objects, we construct
singularity from the absence of it, create it by being here. So it's there
all right, and at the same time it cannot be there, because that would
immediately lead to global arrest, an instantaneaous fixation of reality,
or, as Sondheim suggests here, a rewrite of the same into the same. We have
nothing to write but that which we write into. There is no text beyond the
text we live in.

This may be all going beyond a ontological or philosophical point of
discussion, because there are lot's of things that suggest that in ways
similar to our recently discovered ability to destroy the physical earth
(Hiroshima-denial of pending eco disasters) or simply the scale of effect a
'slight' carelessness on the part of our entrusted worldly powers can have
(oops Bophal, 'xcuse me Tsjernobyl, you were saying Rwanda?) we are now
becoming capable of creating networks of distributed 'intelligent' computing
that could effectively disrupt reality as we know it on a global scale and
rule out any 'normal' process of human perception, leaving us in a black
hole in the great void.

Optimists tend to fill this void with projections of better futures, in fact
the other day i found a copy of a leading scientist's doctoral thesis in a
second hand shop, bluntly inscribed with the words "The only history that
interests us is the history of the future". It doesn't matter who that
scientist is, suffice it to say that it's someone in a position to pour
substantial amounts of corporate money into what used to be respectable
scientific research. What does matter is his reference to an 'us' that
justifies his bluntness, taking the reader of this inscription into a
thrusted circle of "those who are enlightened". Even if that 'us' would only
exist in his overenthousiastic, self-indulgent prickness or in the
paranoical minds of folk like the three hackers in the X-Files, the threat
is symptomatically a clear and present danger.

Our world as we have built it is perhaps blindly walking down the path of
the Great Modernistic Project lead by such people blinded by the sudden
(although predictable) advancements in certain fields that they paranoically
think is all of their genial doing, into believing the earth was inhabitated
by ill-trained and dark-brained barbarians before they or their tutors came
along, a utopian nightmare leading, for anyone who cares not to dismiss the
entire human history for an instance can clearly see, either to the zero of
a finite silence (Beckett) or the big 1 containing all and therefor nothing

Once you start tampering with ontology itself ( the Zeus project at
http://more.btexact.com/projects/agents/zeus/ for instance is one of those
area's where business logic threatens to invade reality,it's all 'Open
Source', mind you and no-one seems to know or care what they are plugging
into which machine, no-one is worried by the idea of an ontology, however
primitive in its conception, gaining dominance and therefor arresting power
(define your freedom like we do, or die) by it's allegance to the very core
of business activity), you should be aware of what you're getting into.
Sure it's harmless. Sure it's 'only' about business communication,
application 'integration'. Naturally we only 'call' it 'ontology'. No we
have no 'ambition' whatsoever of 'defining'language, it's 'only' a matter of
machine 'readability'. 'The' 'only' 'history' 'that' 'interests' 'us' ','
'is' 'the' 'history' 'of' 'the''future''.'

Image: http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/graphics/inscription.jpg

It doesn't help much if you do like lot's of these scientists do, negate
everything before or after Nicolai Hartman because it's of no immediate use
(they can see) and go on from there because you are evidently succesfull. Of
course ontologies on a strictly logical calculus work better and faster,
mathematics was doing pretty good too till Godel and Russell came along, so
on our way out let's quietly dump all those awkward quantum incertainties as
well, shall we?

The reactionist declaration of intent of the Mitteleuropa Foundation at
http://www.mitteleuropafoundation.it says it all:

"A research-center in cognitive systems and ontology. Our guiding idea is
that theories developed between the end of the 19th century and the
beginning of the 20th in the area we may broadly term "Mitteleuropean" could
offer positive hints to the development of contemporary science."

The fact alone that they need it to be Mitteleuropean. Comfortably tucked
away in an old monastery, their intentions are clear enough: anything
written in any fashion identifyable with French Post-Modernism is of no use
whatsoever and should be kept from the premisses at all costs. Derrida's
probably the worst virus imaginable. We need dollars, no revalations. Do not
look at anything older than 1850, you don't really believe there can be
anything of use in quaint old Leibniz, do you? We are talking ontology here,
not mythology. How do you expect me to run an institution on monads? Or
nomads for that matter? It's maths here, not mads. Untsoweiter…

The only thing this website reminded me of is the way young Dutch poets (I
only know about that language, I'm sure similar things happen in other
literatures) started writing unbelievable 19th century rhetoric lyrics a few
years ago, doing away with all that nastyness from modernism and
post-modernism, cultivating a non-existent corpus of dogmatic rules. If
you'd write anything pointing out what they were doing they would get
excessively mad, with
Or the way some painting schools (literally: training schools) deify late
19th century realistic bourgeois painting, a similar reaction of reverting
and denying everything that happened in between.

And of course such ontologies can almost effortlessly (3 to 5 years,
starting last year, not even that many buckets of dollars requiered if you
get your talent cheap in the east) be brought to rule the world ('rule' in
both it's governmental meanings, setting out and being the mental rule), and
'naturally' object oriented software programming is the way to go if you
need fast successes.
It's rather the question if humanity needs that kind of success and if,
indeed, that great Beyond is not a place were we are banned from for a
reason, told ad nauseam by countless holocausts to get away from, a
pre-human writing on that blemished wall inside that thick skull of ours.
What we urgently need is perhaps more an ontology for engineers that relates
to them in understandable terms of 'best practices' what they are in fact
doing in an ethical perspective, or more effectively, what they are bringing
down upon themselves. Or should i be singing the joy of accomplishment here?
Drive my bike through the living room and cry out triumphantly 'look mummy,
no hands!'. Trust the clever people with the power and the money to show it?
I am stupid, and like any self-respecting artist slightly deranged, i admit
it freely, but not that stupid, nor an utter crank. Code is text, many
people dealing with code don't even realize that, and if the IT business
academics want to abolish history how could they realize the true power of
text, once unleashed, like they "Unleash" all those thick useless Bibles on
a new programming language every five years, because the old ones have
become too complex for youngsters to learn in 24 hours, and therefor
economically inefficient. Recycling is for assholes, let's dump that shit,
we _are_ history. Eschatological alright.

What i can think of in my ignorance, positively: I consider Derrida's
research into negative theology a very interesting escape route here and the
Deleuzian Leibniz rewrite a good starting point of fabricating alternatives
to the dominant logistical ontology approach.. I hate to use the word but a
minimalistic deconstruction of the current programming paradigma's, the text
we feed our machines with, can be manufactured relatively easily, it
wouldn't 'do' much but demonstrate that it can be done, but results may come
equally spectacular when sufficient resources are applied to such processes.
It's a question of finding a singular impossibility, an example that prooves
beyond doubt that just by using a different ontology and applying that to
another set of semantics, you can create something that is not within the
scope of infant Zeus and the likes.

A nice grail to be hunting down after hours, so in a way you could say that,
like for any artist who is serious about her business, saving the world is a
harmless hobby i like very much or a nice side effect of my symptomatic
'convoluted' condition and the obscure poetry with its ideosyncretic and
eschatological tendencies that condition creates with or without my consent.
No need to loose one's sense of humour, is there?

Or to slip out another back door: in the end it's perhaps a good thing that
there are so many hackers around, only it would be better if a few thousands
of those would start hacking into ontology, break into the fabrics of
semantic webs and leave some of their own cobwebs, reminding some people
metaphorically of their inevitable abdication and subsequent demise in the
future of their history.
It's all just another code, really, only too bad much of the goodies is in
French or German only (you don't go 'n translate your cool Linux stuff to
windoze and let everything get corrupted, now do ya?), but that could be
part of the challenge.

Now leave me, you have not read this, i do not exist, i want to write some
outdated poetry now in your absence, for another non-existence, neither of
us in need of being right about anything.

Last update 9/06/2005 23:37 GMT+2

HERE's the Alan Sondheim text, from internet_txt4 @

INTERNET TEXT partial summary

"Au voile qui la ceint absente avec frissons" (Mallarme)

I address the problem of ELECTRONIC SUBJECTIVITY by virtue of several
threads, all concurrent. I continue this addressing, each thread
writing and rewriting the text, a continuous-production or discourse
against the grain.

The GRAIN, GRANULARITY, is a physical reality both classical and
quantum-mechanical, a physical reality whose appearance is that of the
grain: letters on a bleak field, the grains of granite and
photographic film, beach-sand, the granularity of the retina itself.

The SUBJECT "au voile" or VEILED SUBJECT is defined by ADDRESS
(location, without which the subject no longer exists); RECOGNITION
(the activated ADDRESS opening and closing channels of communication);
PROTOCOL (the syntactic structure of communication); and REWRITE (a
continuous-production or reiteration of the subject, a flood or
EMISSION of the symbolic).

The EMISSION is a signifying; a SPEW is a symbol-dump, noisy and
granular, referencing the real exterior, transforming the interior
into an abject. EMISSION and SPEW are communicative occasions whose
analog is the set of GENERALIZED MEASURE GEOMETRIES, always but not
quite symmetrical, always reiterative. The Net diffuses and collapses,
differentiates and integrates, transforming smooth into semantic or
inscribed space, and back again.

The ontology of the Net is UNCANNY, an absenting or problematic
alterity; within the UNCANNY, FANTASM appears, the introjection/
projection (-JECTIVITY or the THROWN, DASEIN) of narratologies and
ACTANTS, "persons," neither present nor absent; these may be
ELECTRONIC SUBJECTS themselves, or a constructed IMAGINARY transmitted
and diffused. NARRATOLOGIES are the collapse of NET DISCOURSE into
remaindered patterns; the opposite is the MURMUR or STUTTER, the
irruption of "frissons" everywhere and nowhere at all. The imaginary
is addictive; Net users become USERS, circulating around specificities
fetishized from emissions, a collapse into the lure of the UNCANNY.
Here, POWER is what passes for POWER. If addiction is the obsessive-
compulsive neurosis of the net, WEB INVERSION is the psychosis,
transforming the body into its exterior, and its exterior into flesh
burned into the Internet itself, wires laid across the skin, the skin
speaking the hieroglyph of imaginary usage.

The DIGITAL DOMAIN is the dominion of eternal life, the dominion of
eternal REWRITE; information is never lost from generation to
generation, but always repeated and repeated absolutely. This is the
dominion of the clean and proper body, the introjection of burnt wires
producing always already a simulacrum of life guaranteeing continuous
discourse. There is no death; DASEIN becomes EMISSION itself. The
SCREEN is the only TERMINAL OPERATION; the screen becomes the EGO or
gateway, the surface of the addictive user. Everything is PERFECTION.
TRUTH and FACTICITY are occurrences, since truth tables are decided
only by ASCII or other decoding/encoding matches. What is true is
present. And what is true is also BEAUTIFUL since perfect and
perfectly clean, always a symmetry or lure.

The GREAT BEYOND is the horizon of the Internet, always farther,
always increasing circulations of the planet which short-circuit or
circumvent. At the edge of the GREAT BEYOND one finds the BLIND
PASSWORD "absente" beyond which is a null-set or zero file. ONTOLOGY
itself is absent; epistemology is viral, transformative. Nothing is
certain and nothing circulates.

PROPER NAMES circulate throughout the Net, the promise of TRUTH or
BEAUTY, the promise of emission. Such names are FANTASMS; every
possible world is every possible Net world in a continuous morph, and
every KIND is simultaneously a NATURAL and UNNATURAL kind. Thus TRUTH
is each and every occurrence, and who is to say that FALSEHOOD is not
the same? What is neither this nor that is foundation, gestural,
within and without the GREAT BEYOND, UNCANNY. The TERMINAL becomes
retinal but anonymous. Names MURMUR forever, lose identity. NAMES
never had identity to begin with.

The POLITICAL ECONOMY OF THE NET constructs a class-consciousness
fuelled by reification-tendencies; everything is reification.
Teleology is defined by a FUTURE IMPERFECT in which reification

The FUTURE from the exterior results in the LAST SCIENCE FICTION STORY
in which the subject confronts the GREAT BEYOND. Narrative itself
disappears, replaced by PERFECTION. LIFE, once defined by MODULARITY,
has become SUBSTANCE, a REWRITE of the same into the same.

"Rien, cette ecume, vierge vers" (Mallarme)

greetings, dv
Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends at

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, Dirk Vekemans


also & repeatingly, beyond it's repudation by its REWRITING subject, before the text was written, granulated, after it was postponed, annihilated by its appearance at http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt/net4.txt, framed by THIS text, a jsp included COPY referring to an act of (mis)reading the impossible appearance of an outdated text by my act of opening a REMOTE file,(closer to this 'place' then mine)that in its turn gets framed by sending a reply to itself, lust turning on itself:

pin-u]p o[f][f].ab(sence)::dv

& next, outdoing any need for inscription:

A Refusal to Mourn the Death etc by Dylan Thomas, vide http://www.palace.net/~llama/poetry/refusal
a perfect example of how _only_ the negatively asserted can continue to withstand the inevitable

Dirk Vekemans unwrote:

> … A note on Alan Sondheim, take 2 (fading, exploding, fading)…
> One of the more ambitious stuff going on in my shaky Cathedral at
> http://www.vilt.net is the attempt to formulate answers to analyses
> like the
> one from Alan Sondheim below (see
> http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt/net4.txt for the complete
> source
> text).
> 'Answers' is a bad word, however, it's more a matter of writing into
> this
> kind of text floating on the dim moonlit field where art meets with
> philosophy on a common ground of howling fear and throws it's inward
> gaze
> back onto society, deflecting despair from the individual to the
> unresponsive dull mass of internet text users.
> A question, rather, of materialising on absent readership through
> vanishing
> authorship (absent because 1: text on the internet remains to a large
> extend
> unwritten until it is printed, or till the industry finally comes up
> with a
> 'materialising' screen rendering, visualising the traumatic aspects of
> text
> in an efficient way, and 2 because the medium itself hoaxes its
> 'users' into
> consuming text, clicking and sucking it in as a liquid, a visual
> hybrid that
> loses or even contradicts the inner voice of the author, she herself
> on the
> brink of losing her touch 'n feel of the word itself, of the flow that
> language was before she hacked into this stream of unconsciousness,
> plugged
> herself into the mediating apparatus that allows her to spit it out at
> formerly unknown speeds), throwing the
> linking-fading-exploding-fading-linking machine forward from an
> installment,
> an instance of temporary arrest, of banking 'gained' points in a game
> of the
> weakest link brought live on the net, that is at the same time a sign
> of its
> own deficit, throwing it away from the freezing body into a haltering
> rhythm
> someone else might sing to, or curse in, dance to, scream at…
> There's a lot in that text that i can agree to, if you want opinions,
> it's
> mainly the basic concept of GRANULARITY that i must refuse. I tend to
> believe that granularity is a regression to a primal but fictional
> atomism
> that can be avoided. 'Fictional' to be understood as any human act of
> representation or of perception itself, fiction as that process that
> we
> actually need to deal with the real to avoid the abyss of reality
> itself.
> Human mind cannot bare too much reality (Eliot), so the atomism itself
> is a
> primal need of humans, but in our human state of being we constantly
> deny it
> as well, as our desire is towards a complete annihilation of fiction
> and
> thus of any refraining concept of atoms or grains or points or
> whatever you
> want to name the singularity. We need singularity, because that's how
> our
> brains work, much like we need(ed) gods or Lacanian Objects, we
> construct
> singularity from the absence of it, create it by being here. So it's
> there
> all right, and at the same time it cannot be there, because that would
> immediately lead to global arrest, an instantaneaous fixation of
> reality,
> or, as Sondheim suggests here, a rewrite of the same into the same. We
> have
> nothing to write but that which we write into. There is no text beyond
> the
> text we live in.
> This may be all going beyond a ontological or philosophical point of
> discussion, because there are lot's of things that suggest that in
> ways
> similar to our recently discovered ability to destroy the physical
> earth
> (Hiroshima-denial of pending eco disasters) or simply the scale of
> effect a
> 'slight' carelessness on the part of our entrusted worldly powers can
> have
> (oops Bophal, 'xcuse me Tsjernobyl, you were saying Rwanda?) we are
> now
> becoming capable of creating networks of distributed 'intelligent'
> computing
> that could effectively disrupt reality as we know it on a global scale
> and
> rule out any 'normal' process of human perception, leaving us in a
> black
> hole in the great void.
> Optimists tend to fill this void with projections of better futures,
> in fact
> the other day i found a copy of a leading scientist's doctoral thesis
> in a
> second hand shop, bluntly inscribed with the words "The only history
> that
> interests us is the history of the future". It doesn't matter who that
> scientist is, suffice it to say that it's someone in a position to
> pour
> substantial amounts of corporate money into what used to be
> respectable
> scientific research. What does matter is his reference to an 'us' that
> justifies his bluntness, taking the reader of this inscription into a
> thrusted circle of "those who are enlightened". Even if that 'us'
> would only
> exist in his overenthousiastic, self-indulgent prickness or in the
> paranoical minds of folk like the three hackers in the X-Files, the
> threat
> is symptomatically a clear and present danger.
> Our world as we have built it is perhaps blindly walking down the path
> of
> the Great Modernistic Project lead by such people blinded by the
> sudden
> (although predictable) advancements in certain fields that they
> paranoically
> think is all of their genial doing, into believing the earth was
> inhabitated
> by ill-trained and dark-brained barbarians before they or their tutors
> came
> along, a utopian nightmare leading, for anyone who cares not to
> dismiss the
> entire human history for an instance can clearly see, either to the
> zero of
> a finite silence (Beckett) or the big 1 containing all and therefor
> nothing
> (Joyce).
> Once you start tampering with ontology itself ( the Zeus project at
> http://more.btexact.com/projects/agents/zeus/ for instance is one of
> those
> area's where business logic threatens to invade reality,it's all
> 'Open
> Source', mind you and no-one seems to know or care what they are
> plugging
> into which machine, no-one is worried by the idea of an ontology,
> however
> primitive in its conception, gaining dominance and therefor arresting
> power
> (define your freedom like we do, or die) by it's allegance to the very
> core
> of business activity), you should be aware of what you're getting
> into.
> Sure it's harmless. Sure it's 'only' about business communication,
> application 'integration'. Naturally we only 'call' it 'ontology'. No
> we
> have no 'ambition' whatsoever of 'defining'language, it's 'only' a
> matter of
> machine 'readability'. 'The' 'only' 'history' 'that' 'interests' 'us'
> ','
> 'is' 'the' 'history' 'of' 'the''future''.'
> Image: http://www.vilt.net/nkdee/graphics/inscription.jpg
> It doesn't help much if you do like lot's of these scientists do,
> negate
> everything before or after Nicolai Hartman because it's of no
> immediate use
> (they can see) and go on from there because you are evidently
> succesfull. Of
> course ontologies on a strictly logical calculus work better and
> faster,
> mathematics was doing pretty good too till G? and Russell came
> along, so
> on our way out let's quietly dump all those awkward quantum
> incertainties as
> well, shall we?
> The reactionist declaration of intent of the Mitteleuropa Foundation
> at
> http://www.mitteleuropafoundation.it says it all:
> "A research-center in cognitive systems and ontology. Our guiding idea
> is
> that theories developed between the end of the 19th century and the
> beginning of the 20th in the area we may broadly term "Mitteleuropean"
> could
> offer positive hints to the development of contemporary science."
> The fact alone that they need it to be Mitteleuropean. Comfortably
> tucked
> away in an old monastery, their intentions are clear enough: anything
> written in any fashion identifyable with French Post-Modernism is of
> no use
> whatsoever and should be kept from the premisses at all costs.
> Derrida's
> probably the worst virus imaginable. We need dollars, no revalations.
> Do not
> look at anything older than 1850, you don't really believe there can
> be
> anything of use in quaint old Leibniz, do you? We are talking ontology
> here,
> not mythology. How do you expect me to run an institution on monads?
> Or
> nomads for that matter? It's maths here, not mads. Untsoweiter…
> The only thing this website reminded me of is the way young Dutch
> poets (I
> only know about that language, I'm sure similar things happen in other
> literatures) started writing unbelievable 19th century rhetoric lyrics
> a few
> years ago, doing away with all that nastyness from modernism and
> post-modernism, cultivating a non-existent corpus of dogmatic rules.
> If
> you'd write anything pointing out what they were doing they would get
> excessively mad, with
> we-don't-want-to-hear-it-go-away-or-we-will-beat-you-out-of-here.
> Or the way some painting schools (literally: training schools) deify
> late
> 19th century realistic bourgeois painting, a similar reaction of
> reverting
> and denying everything that happened in between.
> And of course such ontologies can almost effortlessly (3 to 5 years,
> starting last year, not even that many buckets of dollars requiered if
> you
> get your talent cheap in the east) be brought to rule the world
> ('rule' in
> both it's governmental meanings, setting out and being the mental
> rule), and
> 'naturally' object oriented software programming is the way to go if
> you
> need fast successes.
> It's rather the question if humanity needs that kind of success and
> if,
> indeed, that great Beyond is not a place were we are banned from for a
> reason, told ad nauseam by countless holocausts to get away from, a
> pre-human writing on that blemished wall inside that thick skull of
> ours.
> What we urgently need is perhaps more an ontology for engineers that
> relates
> to them in understandable terms of 'best practices' what they are in
> fact
> doing in an ethical perspective, or more effectively, what they are
> bringing
> down upon themselves. Or should i be singing the joy of accomplishment
> here?
> Drive my bike through the living room and cry out triumphantly 'look
> mummy,
> no hands!'. Trust the clever people with the power and the money to
> show it?
> I am stupid, and like any self-respecting artist slightly deranged, i
> admit
> it freely, but not that stupid, nor an utter crank. Code is text, many
> people dealing with code don't even realize that, and if the IT
> business
> academics want to abolish history how could they realize the true
> power of
> text, once unleashed, like they "Unleash" all those thick useless
> Bibles on
> a new programming language every five years, because the old ones have
> become too complex for youngsters to learn in 24 hours, and therefor
> economically inefficient. Recycling is for assholes, let's dump that
> shit,
> we _are_ history. Eschatological alright.
> What i can think of in my ignorance, positively: I consider Derrida's
> research into negative theology a very interesting escape route here
> and the
> Deleuzian Leibniz rewrite a good starting point of fabricating
> alternatives
> to the dominant logistical ontology approach.. I hate to use the word
> but a
> minimalistic deconstruction of the current programming paradigma's,
> the text
> we feed our machines with, can be manufactured relatively easily, it
> wouldn't 'do' much but demonstrate that it can be done, but results
> may come
> equally spectacular when sufficient resources are applied to such
> processes.
> It's a question of finding a singular impossibility, an example that
> prooves
> beyond doubt that just by using a different ontology and applying that
> to
> another set of semantics, you can create something that is not within
> the
> scope of infant Zeus and the likes.
> A nice grail to be hunting down after hours, so in a way you could say
> that,
> like for any artist who is serious about her business, saving the
> world is a
> harmless hobby i like very much or a nice side effect of my
> symptomatic
> 'convoluted' condition and the obscure poetry with its ideosyncretic
> and
> eschatological tendencies that condition creates with or without my
> consent.
> No need to loose one's sense of humour, is there?
> Or to slip out another back door: in the end it's perhaps a good thing
> that
> there are so many hackers around, only it would be better if a few
> thousands
> of those would start hacking into ontology, break into the fabrics of
> semantic webs and leave some of their own cobwebs, reminding some
> people
> metaphorically of their inevitable abdication and subsequent demise in
> the
> future of their history.
> It's all just another code, really, only too bad much of the goodies
> is in
> French or German only (you don't go 'n translate your cool Linux stuff
> to
> windoze and let everything get corrupted, now do ya?), but that could
> be
> part of the challenge.
> Now leave me, you have not read this, i do not exist, i want to write
> some
> outdated poetry now in your absence, for another non-existence,
> neither of
> us in need of being right about anything.
> Last update 9/06/2005 23:37 GMT+2
> HERE's the Alan Sondheim text, from internet_txt4 @
> http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt/net4.txt
> INTERNET TEXT partial summary
> "Au voile qui la ceint absente avec frissons" (Mallarme)
> I address the problem of ELECTRONIC SUBJECTIVITY by virtue of several
> threads, all concurrent. I continue this addressing, each thread
> writing and rewriting the text, a continuous-production or discourse
> against the grain.
> The GRAIN, GRANULARITY, is a physical reality both classical and
> quantum-mechanical, a physical reality whose appearance is that of the
> grain: letters on a bleak field, the grains of granite and
> photographic film, beach-sand, the granularity of the retina itself.
> The SUBJECT "au voile" or VEILED SUBJECT is defined by ADDRESS
> (location, without which the subject no longer exists); RECOGNITION
> (the activated ADDRESS opening and closing channels of communication);
> PROTOCOL (the syntactic structure of communication); and REWRITE (a
> continuous-production or reiteration of the subject, a flood or
> EMISSION of the symbolic).
> The EMISSION is a signifying; a SPEW is a symbol-dump, noisy and
> granular, referencing the real exterior, transforming the interior
> into an abject. EMISSION and SPEW are communicative occasions whose
> analog is the set of GENERALIZED MEASURE GEOMETRIES, always but not
> quite symmetrical, always reiterative. The Net diffuses and collapses,
> differentiates and integrates, transforming smooth into semantic or
> inscribed space, and back again.
> The ontology of the Net is UNCANNY, an absenting or problematic
> alterity; within the UNCANNY, FANTASM appears, the introjection/
> projection (-JECTIVITY or the THROWN, DASEIN) of narratologies and
> ACTANTS, "persons," neither present nor absent; these may be
> ELECTRONIC SUBJECTS themselves, or a constructed IMAGINARY transmitted
> and diffused. NARRATOLOGIES are the collapse of NET DISCOURSE into
> remaindered patterns; the opposite is the MURMUR or STUTTER, the
> irruption of "frissons" everywhere and nowhere at all. The imaginary
> is addictive; Net users become USERS, circulating around specificities
> fetishized from emissions, a collapse into the lure of the UNCANNY.
> Here, POWER is what passes for POWER. If addiction is the obsessive-
> compulsive neurosis of the net, WEB INVERSION is the psychosis,
> transforming the body into its exterior, and its exterior into flesh
> burned into the Internet itself, wires laid across the skin, the skin
> speaking the hieroglyph of imaginary usage.
> The DIGITAL DOMAIN is the dominion of eternal life, the dominion of
> eternal REWRITE; information is never lost from generation to
> generation, but always repeated and repeated absolutely. This is the
> dominion of the clean and proper body, the introjection of burnt wires
> producing always already a simulacrum of life guaranteeing continuous
> discourse. There is no death; DASEIN becomes EMISSION itself. The
> SCREEN is the only TERMINAL OPERATION; the screen becomes the EGO or
> gateway, the surface of the addictive user. Everything is PERFECTION.
> TRUTH and FACTICITY are occurrences, since truth tables are decided
> only by ASCII or other decoding/encoding matches. What is true is
> present. And what is true is also BEAUTIFUL since perfect and
> perfectly clean, always a symmetry or lure.
> The GREAT BEYOND is the horizon of the Internet, always farther,
> always increasing circulations of the planet which short-circuit or
> circumvent. At the edge of the GREAT BEYOND one finds the BLIND
> PASSWORD "absente" beyond which is a null-set or zero file. ONTOLOGY
> itself is absent; epistemology is viral, transformative. Nothing is
> certain and nothing circulates.
> PROPER NAMES circulate throughout the Net, the promise of TRUTH or
> BEAUTY, the promise of emission. Such names are FANTASMS; every
> possible world is every possible Net world in a continuous morph, and
> every KIND is simultaneously a NATURAL and UNNATURAL kind. Thus TRUTH
> is each and every occurrence, and who is to say that FALSEHOOD is not
> the same? What is neither this nor that is foundation, gestural,
> within and without the GREAT BEYOND, UNCANNY. The TERMINAL becomes
> retinal but anonymous. Names MURMUR forever, lose identity. NAMES
> never had identity to begin with.
> The POLITICAL ECONOMY OF THE NET constructs a class-consciousness
> fuelled by reification-tendencies; everything is reification.
> Teleology is defined by a FUTURE IMPERFECT in which reification
> The FUTURE from the exterior results in the LAST SCIENCE FICTION STORY
> in which the subject confronts the GREAT BEYOND. Narrative itself
> disappears, replaced by PERFECTION. LIFE, once defined by MODULARITY,
> has become SUBSTANCE, a REWRITE of the same into the same.
> "Rien, cette ecume, vierge vers" (Mallarme)
> —————————————————————————-
> ——
> greetings, dv
> Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends at
> http://www.vilt.net/nkdee
> Voor mensen die het Engels niet machtig zijn: sorry, dit eventjes ter
> compensatie van de vorige uitlaat, exclusief in het Nederlands
> ————————
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> Greetings, dv.