Rhizome Commissions Program - Release

Rhizome.org Announces Winners of the 2005 Rhizome Commissions Program

Tuesday June 7, 2005

Lauren Cornell, Rhizome.org
Phone: 212.219.1288 X208
Email: [email protected]

NEW YORK, NY_ Rhizome.org is pleased to announce that eleven artists/groups
have been awarded commissions to assist them in creating original works of
net art. Each will receive awards ranging from $2000 - $900. The selected
artists for the 2005-2006 commissioning cycle are Hans Bernhard, Annie
Brissenden, Dave Burns, Jason Corace, Andy Deck, Victoria Fang, Jason
Freeman, Ethan Ham, Peter Horvath, Sean Kerr, Thomas Laureyssens, Alessandro
Ludovico, MTAA (M.River & T.Whid Art Associates), Tony Muilenburg, Adriaan
Stellingwerff, Matias Viegener, and Austin Young.

A panel of jurors including Melinda Rackham, independent curator, artist and
founder of the empyre mailing list, Jemima Rellie, Head of Digital
Programmes at the Tate, Eduardo Kac, Professor and Chair of the Art and
Technology Department at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Francis
Hwang, Director of Technology at Rhizome.org, and Rachel Greene, former
Executive Director of Rhizome.org–selected ten projects from a pool of more
than one hundred proposals received by the March 23, 2005 RFP deadline.
Members of the Rhizome.org community participated in the evaluation process
through secure web-based ballots and selected Fallenfruit.org, a proposal by
Dave Burns, Matias Viegener and Austin Young, to receive a commission.

Launched in November 2001, the Rhizome Commissions Program makes financial
support available to artists for the creation of innovative new media
artwork via panel-awarded commissions. To keep the program relevant and
timely, requests for proposals (RFPs) will change from year to year to
reflect new developments in technology and the current cultural environment.
The Rhizome Commissions Program is made possible by support from the Jerome
Foundation in celebration of the Jerome Hill Centennial, the Greenwall
Foundation, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and the New York
City Department of Cultural Affairs. Additional support has been provided by
members of the Rhizome community.

The chosen projects will be publicly exhibited on the Rhizome.org web site
at http://rhizome.org <http://rhizome.org/> starting in January 2006. They
will also be preserved in the Rhizome ArtBase, an online archive containing
upwards of 1,500 new media art works, and presented at a public event in New
York City.