Illustrated talk by media artist Dana Claxton

Illustrated talk by media artist, Dana Claxton
Sunday, March 13, 2pm
at the Surrey Art Gallery

Dana Claxton will speak about her current 2-channel video installation, Landscape #1. It is a painterly expression of the landscape as alive, informed by traditional Lakota knowledge and the philosophy of Mitakuye Oyasin - All My Relations - which means that all things are interconnected and interrelated, whether plant, human, animal or supernatural. Dana will contextualize this new exhibition with images from her previous work. Free.

Dana Claxton uses the media of film, video, photography and performance, often exploring our relationship with nature and the sacred. She has exhibited internationally at galleries including the Museum of Modern Art, the Walker Art Center, the Folly Gallery in Lancaster and Di Nuova Icona in Venice, Italy. Claxton is an Adjunct Professor at Emily Carr Institute, and founding Treasurer of the Indigenous Media Arts Group.

Landscape #1 continues to May 15 in the Surrey Art Gallery’s TechLab.

Surrey Art Gallery
88 Avenue/King George Hwy. (in the Surrey Arts Centre)
Ph: 604-501-5566

The Gallery is a short bus ride (#321) from the Surrey Central Skytrain Station.