Eyebeam Social Sculpture Commission

> —————————————–
> Eyebeam and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) would like to
> announce an open call for a Social Sculpture Commission, supporting
> work
> that engages the public in new ways. The program, running from March -
> August '05, provides a 6 month grant of digital production services at
> Eyebeam's studios (including moving image / sound production,
> programming
> and systems design), a stipend of $20,000 for producing the work, and
> public
> development support from LMCC.
> The term Social Sculpture was coined in the 1970's by Joseph Beuys to
> refer
> to socially engaged, interdisciplinary, artistic actions where the
> community
> would be collaborators and art works could be an environment or set of
> rules
> by which to engage. Work supported by the commission can take a
> variety of
> forms, including gaming, tactical media, network, interactive
> installation,
> moving image or conceptual projects that blur traditional boundaries
> between
> production, education, performance and exhibition.
> More information can be found on line at
> http://www.eyebeam.org/production/MID/commission/socialsculpture.html
> Applications, due February 13th, can be found at
> http://www.eyebeam.org/production/AIR/onlineapp/join_detail.php?
> program_id=4
> 96693