Announcing The Stunned Net Art Open

The Stunned Net Art Open

This is the third year of the Net Art Open which was previously
presented as part of the Irish Museum of Modern project.  Once
again we have retained the central concept of the Net Art Open, an
exhibition of net art in which every submission is accepted,  to provide
an exhibition free of curatorial bias which presents a true snapshot of
the state of the art today.

In previous years the exhibition was, in some ways, a victim of it's own
success with so many entries that it was hard, even with the best will,
in the world to see every entry. So this year in recognition of these
problems and of the changes in the way people surf the web  we have
radically changed the format of the exhibition  to focus more attention
on each individual work. In what we think is an internet first the 2004
Net Art Open exhibition will be blogged, one work at a time, with a new
work every three days. RSS feeds will also be published so that viewers
can follow the exhibition with newsfeed readers.

The result is the 2004 Stunned Net Art Open,  net art from over 70
artists, an exhibition which presents a refreshing snapshot of the
strength and diversity of the net art movement today.

The Stunned Net Art Open

More information from Conor McGarrigle