Come see the movie about Fox News and the war on journalism

Standard email coming at ya!


On Sunday evening, July 18th, I'll be getting together with my
neighbors to watch a new documentary film that exposes how Fox News
Channel distorts the news. You should come!

The movie is called "Outfoxed", and this is one of the first times it
will be shown. "Outfoxed" has interviews with seven ex-Fox News
employees who describe how, every day, highly partisan talking points
are drawn up to influence newscasts. It's supposed to be pretty
revealing as to how Fox works.

MoveOn and Common Cause members across the country are planning
hundreds of house parties for Sunday, July 18th. After we watch the
movie, comedian Al Franken and director Robert Greenwald will join us
through a nationwide interactive conference call. It takes place
through the internet, so there are live questions and responses. It's a
really new technology and this is one of its first uses.

Come see this movie and join the conference call! And, of course,
there'll be snacks. Sign up to come at:

Here are the details:
Park Slope United Methodist Church - 6th Avenue & 8th Street
Sunday, July 18, 04:00 PM

I hope you'll come!

P.S. To see the "Outfoxed" trailer, go to: