Open call for Submissions - Net/Web Art is a website specializing in creating and showcasing online based public art projects consisting of a panel of 25 established and emerging international professionals from a wide range of new media fields.


Open Call of Submissions for 'Orgasmos' a Net + Web Art Project

Deadline for submissions: March 10th 2006

Announcement of selected works: April 10th 2006

This project is an open call for artists working in Net and Web Art, to create and submit a Net or Web Art piece that portrays the sensation of an orgasm.

Selection and Awards:

Exhibition of works - 10 works only will be selected by our international panel, to be showcased online on from April 10th 2006

Tosoma Award - there will be a first and second Award which will be announced and sent out.

How to submit work:

For Orgasmos: [all submissions via email]

Net.Art/Web.Art Submissions: please send the URL of your piece and any specific viewing requirements in terms of browsers and software.

In your email please include the name of the piece and a short statement of who you or your group/collaborative are (300 words max). Also include your main website if you have one and your email address (please state if you wish your website and email address to be visible on the site)

Email all work to [email protected]

Important: When submitting work you will need to give your consent and confirm it is your own work in order for us to use it. If you are sending via email, you must copy and paste in your email the following paragraph, signed by yourself. If you are posting the material please copy paste this on you cover letter and sign it:

"The work I am submitting is my own, I have consent from all collaborators involved (if any), to use and submit this work. I allow to display my work within the tosoma website. I will not contact panel members discussing my submission."