Saturday 10AM in NYC - "Funerals for a Moment"

Greetings all -

If you are in the NYC area this weekend, please attend "Funerals for a

Saturday, May 15, 10AM - 12noon (perhaps a bit longer)
Meet at Participant Inc, 95 Rivington St. (between Orchard and Ludlow)
If you miss us there, call 617-290-7967 to catch up

"Funerals for a Moment" will bring together collaborators across space
and time to commemorate the passing of inconsequential moments
(contributed online at at particular
locations in New York City. The culminating event of the project at the
Psy.Geo.Conflux will be a collaborative performance of funerals across
New York City.

Best wishes,

Funeral Director, Funerals for a Moment

More info:

Funerals for a Moment -

Psy.Geo.Conflux -

Funerals for a Moment description -


Funerals for a Moment is a project by kanarinka with anonymous, a.rios,
Andrea Moed, Cat L., Christy Georg, Daniel Ganin, Dave Raymond, Devin,
Dillon Paul, Dillon Paul, Holly Tavel, iSkot, jb, Jeremy Beaudry, jess
loseby, Jessica Poser, jhave, joseph and donna, Josephine Dorado, Kate
Armstrong, kurt braunohler, Lee Walton, M. River of MTAA, Maryan
Newbury, M Masuyama, Melissa, natalie loveless, Oren Bernstein, Ruth,
Teri & Owsley, Teri D'Ignazio, timothy cahill, Vic, wavelady, Zeke, and
