intelligent agent - Vol. 4 No. 1, final installment

intelligent agent - Vol. 4 No. 1, final articles

The final installment of articles from Vol. 4 No. 1 is now available at

intelligent agent is published in a modular format:
*3 thematic threads
Threads of Vol. 4 No. 1:
//the DEMO scene//
*reviews on DVDs, Web, books, projects

All content is available in html and as pdf files with layout.


//the DEMO scene //
+ Petri Kuittinen: Computer DEMOs – The Story So far
Kuittinen surveys the Old School DEMO scene (1987-1996), from its origins to
the major parties, forms of competitions, and the different design schools
and tastes.

+ Scott Draves, The Interpretation of Dreams:
An Explanation of the Electric Sheep Distributed Screen-Saver
Draves provides background information on his work Electric Sheep, a
distributed screen-saver that harnesses idle computers into a render farm
for the purpose of animating and evolving artisficial life-forms. (Also see
Jeremy Turner's review of Draves' DVD in this issue).

+ Jeremy Turner, Spotworks: The Evolution of Visuals, DVD by Scott Draves
Turner reviews Scott Draves' DVD Spotworks: TheEvolution of Visuals,
featuring Draves' Dub Visuals, as well as his works Electric Sheep and Bomb,
each with documentary explanation. Draves DVD archive presents a history of
aesthetic VJ processes and tastes, and points to the genealogy of
distributed computing. (Also see Draves' explanation of the Electric Sheep
screen-saver in this issue).

+ Donato Mancini, UbuWeb
Mancini reviews Ubuweb, a site devoted to concrete / visual poetry, sound
poetry, and genre-defying conceptual textualities. Ubuweb represents these
by showcasing the work itself, featuring critical papers and notes, radio
interviews with the artists, as well as "Editions" – PDF re-publications of
significant recent books.

For a full Table of Contents, visit
This issue was made possible by funding from the Rockefeller Foundation.

intelligent agent
Editor-in-Chief: Patrick Lichty
Director: Christiane Paul
intelligent agent is a service organization and information
provider dedicated to interpreting and promoting art that
uses digital technologies for production and presentation.