BananaRAM launches the new website

BananaRAM News



Contact: [email protected]


BananaRAM launches the new website and presents

the 2004 Mind Control Edition

BananaRAM The World Art Festival - March 30, 2003

BananaRAM launches its new website with a series of artworks dedicated to t=
he 2004 theme: Mind Control.

The website's home page opens with Popcorn by Gianluca D'Agostino that is a=
tribute to James Vicary's legendary experiment conducted during the summe=
r of 1957 in a movie theater at Ft. Lee, New Jersey where he placed a tachi=
stoscope in the theater's projection booth, and all throughout the playing =
of the film Picnic, he flashed the imperceptible messages then named "subli=
minal". Chiara presents her 60's style Collant brand, dedicated to the most=
aggressive audience of female shoppers. Peter Luining presents a Shockwave=
animation of television bars that chase each other. Nicolas Clauss, french=
artist, shows a bio-Shockwave artwork. Marko Simic is the author of Digita=
l dazibao, a work that allows connected users to write their messages and l=
eave it on it. Letters can be copied, pasted and rescaled. Mario Melloni, I=
talian conceptual artist presents the simple interaction of The Skaters, as=
skating is the most powerful audience catching show. Globalgroove presents=
hypnosys, a work that reveal the entertainment power of screens and sound.=

BananaRAM presents the world famous Net.Art legendary duo: JoDi aka Joan He=
emskerk e Dirk Paesmans, who tribute to BananaRAM an unhappy MAC emoticon t=
hat flashes an error message.

Festival BananaRAM July 6-11th 2004

Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona - Italy


BananaRAM only releases public information through the Festival website: ww= and through its domain email

addresses and warns that any other source disclosing information on behalf =
of The Festival is not credible. To contact the Festival PR

Officers with inquiries or concerns, please email using the contact informa=
tion provided in this press release or in the Festival website