intelligent agent - Vol. 4 No. 1, Wave 2

The second installment of articles from Vol. 4 No. 1 is now available at

intelligent agent is published in a modular format:
*3 thematic threads
Threads of Vol. 4 No. 1:
//the DEMO scene//
*reviews on DVDs, Web, books, projects

All content is available in html and as pdf files.


//the DEMO scene //
+ Weston Hilton talks to Patrick Lichty, Globetrotter: A Dialogue on DEMOing
Weston Hilton's Globetrotter is a demo cartridge for an Atari 2600. Hilton's
vision of the project is to see it make full circuits around the world by
sending it to Atari 2600 aficionados all over the globe. Part DEMO, part
conceptual art project, Globetrotter accesses part of the memory of the
digital culture and mixes it with contemporary retro gaming sensibilities.

+ Roman Verostko, Algorithmic Art – Composing the Score for Visual Art
Verostko gives a survey of algorithmic art, including its origins,
definitions, and applications; as well as comments on the role that
algorithms play in art and historical notes on the 'early algorists.'

+ Eric Redlinger, New Media Counterpoint
Redlinger applies the concept of 'counterpoint' – a dominant compositional
principle in the 15th century chorus – to VJ/Djing where collaboration
feels a lot like what it looked like at the dawn of polyphonic music: a
semi-ordered, semi-transparent, exquisite chaos whose effect is often judged
more by the sum of its parts than by some manner of traditional criteria.

//free radical//
Gregory Little, The Work of Art in the Age of Techno-Somaticism
As a prelude to the thread on embodiment (forthcoming in IA 4.2), Gregory
Little revisits Paul Valery's prediction that western culture will enter an
age of somaticism. In our current condition, the somatic – that is,
everything relating to the body – is positioned in counterpoint to rapid
developments in networked, ubiquitous, and viractual technologies.

+ Patrick Lichty, Sseyo Koan Generative Music Tool
The Koan Pro Generative Music System in many ways is like a Swiss Army knife
for those who wish to do a number of things affordably; for example, create
web-based generative music that can interface with Flash, Java, and
Javascript; produce algorithmically-based music and sound for live and
installation settings; or even ringtones.

+ Patrick Lichty, New Orleans Media Experience
The New Orleans Media Experience – a 7-day festival devoted to the
convergence of film, video, advertising, music and video games – can be
seen as emblematic of many cities and states' attempt to tap into the
burgeoning markets of new media.

For a full Table of Contents, visit
This issue was made possible by funding from the Rockefeller Foundation.

intelligent agent
Editor-in-Chief: Patrick Lichty
Director: Christiane Paul
intelligent agent is a service organization and information
provider dedicated to interpreting and promoting art that
uses digital technologies for production and presentation.