there is no art but

looking at the First Pulse show – i like these no more with
their investigative, what – in visual representation there
are abstract, and obvious (immediate) features. a video still
is trickier to compose than – like the paintings.

chastising the two, is hilarity. it poisons the look, which
in sane people subverts the "investigative," maybe wanted.

sorry to be in semantic sandcastles. is the "investigative"
entirely a mass action, is an artist even ? for if not, he
might slip and jamb the two together, tho since "art" has
moved to "creativity," the latter will be all gone soon.

oh, art which was about art was not about "investigative"
art which is about is but is not about "aesthetics"
neither restrict to being recognizable or intelligible.

in our childlike protection, our social knowledge has
magnified to the point of cybernetic non-awareness.
dont believe it's possible. there is unity at one domain;
the world is flat, phonetic, that's the interface, and
metaphysics are properly named. we relinquish what we possess.

also, what keeps the "investigative" from emerging as a
superideology which makes others unlivable ? ( old )

( not necessarily interrogate ms. southworth, and
thank her for all this .. opulence )