Filmshow at the now corporation TONITE Thurs Jan 22, 7-9 PM

owen plotkin's T h e E l e c t r i c a l R e t r o s p e c t a c l e
A short avant garde experimental film series
Free screening in New York City TONIGHT! THURS. Jan 22 at 7-9 pm
7 w 22nd st. 6th floor 212-367-7701

With an intermission for conversation sips crunches and reel changes.
Guaranteed to titilate excite and inspire ,
Films from the 60's thru the 80's :

Rocking Orange III , 1974, Doris Chase 16mm, color, sound, 3-1/2 min.

Sodom and Gomorrah, New York 10036, 1976, Rudolph Burckhardt 16mm,
color, sound, 6-1/4 min.

Study in Diachronic Motion, 1975, Peter Rose color 3 min.

The Birth OF Aphrodite, 1970, Leland Auslender 16mm, color/so, 12 min.

On , 1974, Rosalind Schneider , 16mm, color, sound, 4-1/2 min.

Kill For Peace, 1968, Fred Safran , 16mm, b&w, sound, 2 min.

Aphrodisiac, 1971, Ian Hugo, 16mm color sound, 6 min.

Hell Spit Flexion ,1983, Stan Brakhage 16mm, color, silent, 1 min.

Onan, 1963, Takahiko Iimura, 16mm, b&w, sound, 7 min.

Bagatelle for Willard Maas, 1967, Marie Menken, color sound, 5 min.

and more . . .

16mm films projected at
the now corporation
7 w 22nd st 6th floor
for info re previous shows on the main page under
the electrical retrospectacle.
hope to see you there.