I do not have good news...

Dear all,

I know how anxiously we are waiting for the opening of the "Restaurant
Eating Pixels (?)" in the "Museu of the Essential and Beyond That". Perhaps
you have thought about to have dinner there today…Unfortunatelly we had to
postphone the inauguration which was programmed for November 1th. In fact we
have problems here: the terrace was constructed very fast and something is
wrong with the pipes. The restaurant dawned filled with lots of pixelwater.
Worse than this some very strange forms are detected among the pixelwater…
We do not know what is really happening, but our cameras are sending images
of the restaurant under the pixelwater, if you want to see this, go to:


We are doing the possible to inaugurate it next Saturday but, in case you
are without program this night we do recommend Seven Demons Got Out - there
you will find Gluttony which is very appetizing …too…


Sorry for the delay,

Regina Celia Pinto








Everything is always perfect in the virtual cities or museums found on the =
but our Museum's space does not work that way. Instead, its operations aim
at fulfilling the dictates of the principle of reality. For example, tragedy
and its esthetic or things we really do not want to think about, have been
shifted (with a touch of morbid humor) to the basement. Bit by bit, we
intend to place some problems in the Museum building, because we do not
intent it to become an aseptic parody of a real museum. We predict the need
to restore this cultural machine once it has become the victim of its own
success and the enormous number of visitors it attracts. Every once in a
while, a room or gallery could be shut down for repairs. The Museum's order
could also be disturbed by power struggles involving both political power
and that of feudal corporations, so common in institutions of this kind.

That is it!