Project WC News and more..

For your comfort the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That
( ) is making available more two bathrooms:

>>Cartoon Bathroom "Toilet", by Millie Niss and Martha Deed
( )

>>Installation Bathroom "Verwerfung", by Manik
( )

and if you have not read yet the review of the Project WC, by Isabel Saij
( )

(Use the links above if you want to go directly to the new stuff)

If you want to see all the Project Wc, browser at: , click MAP, Terrace, Bathrooms

Do not forget:

The restaurant of the museum will begin to receive cyber artists for lunch
and dinner at the end of this month. We will serve the best food of the
cyberspace! You will see…

and, if you want to send us a bathroom or a recipe send an email to:
[email protected]

Warmest regards,

Regina Celia Pinto
(director and staff)