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ARTGIRL: I smell LOUD Ego here
ARTGIRL: Gawd, its every place!
BEATNIK: well some people have nothing better to do than discuss
trite academic art concepts.
ARTGIRL: Really?
BEATNIK: You'd be surprised!

The cafe slowly melted, Beatnik and Artgirl with it. As they melted
their molecular structure became that of a gas. In this gaseous
form they drifted for eons… never to be seen again… until.

the next morning…
"Flap Jack, flap" she said not moving her lips. "how do you do that" he
replied, " talk without moving your lips?"
"i'm not talking" she said, and began repeating over and over as if it
were a mantra, which of course it was.
" I think if you alleged ARTISTS got shrinks, you wouldn't need this
excessive intellectual masturbation." he screamed at the top of his
lungs, as a trickle of blood slowly fell down his chin, looking like a
thread off a sweater. Suddenly it became a torrent of blood and it began
to fill the gymnasium.
"Help " he burbled. His head just above the level of the liquid that was
quickly filling the huge room. He could faintly see her floating down at
the far end of the gym, on her back, laughing or crying, it was too
difficult to tell which.

10 years later…
"it seems so difficult", he said, grinding his teeth, as he had been
doing over the past 18 hours, leaving very little of his teeth left.
"to unsubscribe to this stupid chat, message posting thing"
She turned her head to look at him. Forgetting that he had blinded her,
just moments ago. " you should go to the web site."
" I've tried" but I can't figure out how to remove myself from the list"
he began crying, softly at first but after a long time ( a few seconds)
his crying became a wail.
"which one is it" she asked
"The Walker Art Center" he replied
" Oh the one about artist's ego and intellectual masturbation" she
"yes " he said using all his strength just to speak now.
they embraced, he felt the warm fluid run down her face from her eye
sockets. He began to lick the blood, salty and warm he hoped it would
revitalize him, but to no avail. He died.
