world wide walks

world wide web=world wide walks

graphics shape our lives on and off line. What sort of place is made when we treat the worlds of the graphic and the instruction as entire universes, self contained and self sufficient? PROPOSED is an open collaborative project, as international as possible, taking walks across real places, reducing the graphic elements encountered to a 360 by 240 quicktime at 2 seconds per frame, then putting them up as records of transits and graphic encounters.

The rules? You have to be able to see each sign from the one before. Visual hopscotch. What will our towns cities and landscapes look like? And what will they look like together? What can we do with them? One possibility would be to crush them small and send to the Electrohype Classic II exhibition in Malmo. Other ideas will develop… interested? samples below; not streamed movs as yet but soon.
This could be quite interesting and quite unpredictable!