[f0amfr0th-events] Interfaces Imagined

[f0amfr0th][Interfaces Imagined]

Saturday, 19-07-2003, 20.30
FoAM lab, Koopliedenstraat/Rue des Commercants 60-62, 1000 Brussels

f0amfr0th 02: Imagine the interfaces between the corporeal and the digital
environments, in 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, 1 century. Come and share your
wishes, plans and musings in an informal setting with FoAM, Code 31 and
esteemed guests. Jonah Brucker-Cohen (MIT Media Lab Europe, Ireland),
Moriwaki (University of Dublin, Ireland) and Stephen Barrass (CSIRO,
will be presenting their work and ideas, accompanied by a musical and
gastronomic 'Aperitivo'.

free entrance/information/food/atmosphere

f0amfr0th is a bubbly insiders view into the tech-art brewery; a series of
events organised by FoAM and whoever happens to be visiting the
The events have an open format that can range from a theoretical talk to
out rooms, from improvised networked performances to orchestrated
experiments. Spontaneity, improvisation and informality are keywords that
grant access to this programme to the public and anyone interested in the
process of working in the field of art and technology.

More information: http://f0.am/fr0th/ | http://fo.am

This event is organised as a part of the Code31 "Imagine Interface" Workshop

supported by:
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (http://digitaalbrussel.vgc.be/)
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap