Shooting Live Artists!

Media Release.

Shooting Live Artists goes live on:
and at The Site Gallery, Sheffield.

BBCi breakthrough live, net and installation art premiered on the web and at
the Site. The works are:

Guerilla Performance Locator by Leslie Hill and Helen Paris /
Live net map of art and activism at a time of global crisis. As belief in
direct public action surges in the face of impending war, artists Hill and
Paris launch The Guerilla Performance Locator. The Guerilla Performance
Locator maps non - violent, politically motivated performances and
theatrical activism through inviting an international arts community to
submit work from their countries, communities, and perspectives. The locator
is live and interactive in the gallery with accompanying large screen

Skin / Strip Online by Completely Naked and Furtherfield. "Reclaiming the
body, our naked identity." A celebration of difference, expression and
liberation from ideas of the' perfect' body. The general public are invited
to create expressive images of their own naked identities, and display them
next to others in the context of a live artwork on the web. Individual net
users participate in a collective, live event, by revealing and viewing
their previously unknown corporeality. Large screen projections from the web
site display the live event inside the Site Gallery and onto the street.
Gallery visitors engage via an interactive photo booth, with online
participants around the world.

Pleasant Land by Third Angel. A creative celebration of new, emerging
English identities. Third Angel are investigating what 'England' means to
people in 2003, what 'Englishness' is, here and now. They want to know what
the public think, inviting people to send in stories, memories, directions,
recipes and postcards about the England(s) we live in now. Pleasant Land
includes a virtual map of Third Angel's own England, linked to an online
questionnaire, gauging the public's response to a variety of statements
about England, Englishness and national identity, The artists travel across
the country on journeys inspired by responses to the questionnaire sending
back monthly digital postcards from their destinations. Third Angel will
host presentations of research in progress at the Site.

TRANSFORMER by Daniel Gosling. Initiated with a sleep deprived winter
hitchhike to Norway