Aqua Art Sound Broadcast

Aqua Art Sound Broadcast invites submissions of audio work for this year’s Broadcast at Aqua Art, a new art fair taking place during Miami/Basel, in Miami Florida, Dec 1 - 4th, 2005. We are seeking a broad range of audio styles from spoken word to phonography to Japanese noise to orchestral works. We are specifically looking for previously unreleased materials and are especially interested in recordings that take a critical look at contemporary art's practice, consumption, and criticism.

Aqua Art Sound Broadcast:
Four days of sounds broadcast during Miami/Basel at the Aqua Hotel
All sounds will be deposited into an ipod that will be kept hidden from the public eye.
Audio speakers broadcasting ipod contents will be located throughout the Aqua Hotel.
A video camera will be trained on the ipod screen relaying what's playing to a video monitor located in the Aqua Hotel courtyard.

The Broadcast includes work by, among others, Climax Golden Twins, Steve Roden, Paul Schutze, Quiet American, Ann Magnuson, Rafael Toral, The Degenerate Art Ensemble, environmentalist Monte Merrick, painter Laura Corsiglia, Son of Rose, The Black Cat Orchestra, and consumption disruptor Filistine.

For an application please email
Susan Robb and Wyndel Hunt: [email protected]
Deadline for submissions is November 1st, 2005