\ @ rezT

>No longer content with pure formalism and self-referentiality, and
>unwilling to be dismissed into the simple catagory of "graphic
>design", net.art is redefining itself in the realm of social critique
>and commentary. The old elements of hyperlink,

1000+1 plzrz o+ o- dze ropez e

>the embedded images

1 embrasz
4 death

>and sounds,

2 dansz + z!ng
4 evr

>the database

zuuet lannternz sh!ne … h o p e

>and the live stream all remain in place, as
>do the digital pranks, parasitic spoofs and deliberate 'errors' which
>gave early net.art its timeliness and humour. Their scope, however,
>has been refocused and their use redefined in recent years to a
>razor-sharp critique of technological "progress", globalization, and
>the ever-present machinery of surveillance and control which the
>internet has helped to usher in.

u r but ov c.men.t pre made

! = dze v.u!te buterfl! [gr. psyche] dzat haltz !n dze zntr ov -ur_ fotograf …
+ dr!nkz !tz zelv 4rom _ur- f!ngr t!pz


Netochka Nezvanova - - u!th dze greatezt pLzrrrrrrrrr
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