Call for Submission - Eye of the I - Berlin outdoor slideprojections

CALL FOR SUBMISSION for the last edition:

mail proposals to: [email protected]

> deadline Wedn. Oct. 19th
> opening Wedn. Oct. 26th
> 19m SLIDE-PROJECTION slide projection in the store front of the Birthler Commission of Investigation of GDR's Secret Police files
> at Alexanderplatz Berlin (Otto-Braun-Strase 70 / 72)
> An art project of Sibylle Hofter / Buro Schwimmer
> follow-up project of Kawiarnia Europa Lodz - Berlin
> we choose works connected with the subject of dominating secret services or similar institutions.
> The focus here will lie on the individuum:
> on one hand: what happens to a person who (in the name of an institution) observes the private life of someone, and on the other hand: what happens to a person who involuntarily shares parts of its private life with someone unnamed, with an institution.
> and of course since we are visually based: what kind of visuality is caused by these enormeous apparatus of observation, fear and statistics.
> *the site
> *the whole complex of buildings at the corner to alexanderplatz is used by BStU ("Fed. Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former GDR". in socialist times: "house of statistics" The building is situated in direction to greifswalder street, parallel to the tunnel exit. vis a vis to the former "house of travelling" and the police headquarter (from 20ties till 90), since than used by different branches of police. behind our panes was the Mocca-Bar.
> Besides is a hunting store, formerly the "Suhl hunting hut". Allover: north and east are big apartment-blocks, and traffic axes to all directions. the plan is to tear down the building.
> each participant can prepare about 5 window-fronts one after the other. after consultation may be more.
> Please don´t do less than 3, they don´t need big differences between each other, but spectator normally needs some time to get into a new work.
> You can send sketches to possibly avoid dispensable work. Each edition consists of 80 phases and is shown each night for about 4 weeks.
> each phase stays 10 Seconds. after about 12 minutes the the cycle repeats, means
> that time is a strong factor, but no film-like interval.
> we need jpg format (please download the empty file from the website).
> the usable window-front is 2,2 high and 19 m long, consisting of 8 nearly square fields (7 plus the double sided door)text-works turned out to be technically difficult (nevertheless we love good text-works) Please study the documentation, do get as used as possible to the conditions of the place. Its really interesting but difficult, there´s unevitable streetlight and a wire fence infront. No chance just to use it as a neutral outdoor exhibition space. Tender contrasts will be swallowed, bigger structures which rich of contrast from their nature are more applicable.
> (documentation will soon be online, or ask us)
> we cannot pay honorary. By submitting works the participant definitly declares that he/she posesses all the rights neccessary for publication of their works. And the participant gives us the unlimited right to publish their works within the frame of this project without any honorary.
> submissions and your email adresses will be treated confidental.
> We are looking forward for your submissions!
> Sven Eggers
> Please forward this mail to where it might make sense!
> feel free to ask if something is not clear
> Abgabe 19.10.
> Eroffnung Mi. 26.10.
> Dia-Projektionen im Schaufenster in der Stasi-Unterlagen-Behorde am
> Alexanderplatz Berlin (Otto-Braun-Str.70/72)
> Ein Kunstlerprojekt von Sibylle Hofter / Buro Schwimmer - Berlin
> Ein Folgeprojekt von Cafe Kawiarnia EUROPA (Lodz-Berlin)
> Nach den erquicklichen Ergebnissen der vorigen Ausschreibungen
> laden wir ein, Beitrage fur die letzte Edition zu einzusenden:
> 2. DAS AUGE DES ICH - Herbst II
> Fur diese Edition werden wir Arbeiten aussuchen, die sich mit dem Thema
> Stasi oder vergleichbaren Institutionen im Ausland beschaftigen.
> Unser Interesse fokussiert sich auf den Fragenkomplex, wie ein
> Staatssicherheitsdienst auf die beteiligten Einzelnen wirkt, was er mit
> den einzelnen Akteuren oder unfreiwillig Behandelten macht. Was fur eine
> Visualitat entwickelt so ein Apparat aus Beobachtung, Furcht und
> Statistik?
> in Ausnahmefallen konnen auch klar und direkt auf den Ort bezogene Beitrage Eingang finden. Auf der website ist Informations-Material, das wir bei Bedarf erweitern.
> hier eine kleine Zusammenfassung:
> Der gesamte Gebaudekomplex beherbergt die Birthler - Behorde zur
> Aufarbeitung der Stasi-Unterlagen BStU. Nebenan ist ein Jagdausstatter, zu
> Ostzeiten als "Suhler Jagdhutte". Das Gebaude liegt am Ausgang des
> Alexanderplatzes in Richtung Greifswalder Str. parallel zur Ausfahrt aus
> dem Tunnel und ggu des Hauses des Reisens und der Polizei Mitte (als
> Berliner Polizeidirektion um 1930 erbaut). Zu Ostzeiten war hinter den
> Scheiben ein Cafe (Mocca-Eck). Daruber hinaus wird die Gegend durch
> Grosswohnbauten (Platten) und Ausfallstrasen dominiert.
> jeweils bis zu 5 Fensterfronten hintereinander konnen entworfen werden.
> Nach Absprache mehr. Wir empfehlen, mindestens drei Phasen zu gestalten,
> die sich ggf. nicht sehr stark zu unterscheiden brauchen. Jeder kann auch
> Vorentwurfe schicken, damit er/sie sich nicht uU umsonst viel Muhe gibt.
> jede Edition lauft etwa 3 Wochen ab Einbruch der Dunkelheit und besteht
> aus 80 Fensterfronten, die jeweils etwa 10 Sekunden stehen, nach gut 12
> Minuten wiederholt sich der Zyklus. Man muss also zeitlich denken (deshalb
> die Variationen, denn ein einzige Phase geht leicht unter, aber um es
> filmisch aufzufassen sind die Intervalle zu lang) Fur jeden Berliner der
> etwas erarbeitet, ist es unumganglich die
> Projektions-Bedingungen vor Ort anzuschauen! Wir stellen keinen
> Freilicht-Ausstellungsplatz zur Verfugung, die mannigfaltigen Einflusse
> (wie Strassenlaternen und Drahtzaun fuhren wenn man sie ignoriert zu
> Enttauschung) Bis auf weiteres lauft jede Nacht bis 3:30 wieder die
> Edition 2. Textarbeiten haben sich als technisch ausserst problematisch
> herausgestellt (obwohl wir gute Textbeitrage unter anderen techn.
> Gegebenheiten lieben konnen)
> Wir benotigen jpg Format, auf der website bitte LEERDATEI herunterladen,
> oder per mail anfordern. Wir konnen nur Datensatze annehmen, die in diese
> LEERDATEI eingefullt wurden.
> Die bespielbare Fensterflache ist 19m breit (incl. Tur) und 2,2m hoch. Sie
> besteht aus 8 Teilen (7 Fenstern und einer mehrfach unterteilten
> Doppeltur)
> Wir freuen uns wieder auf viele gute Beitrage und bedanken uns schon im
> voraus bei allen Einsendern!
> Es gibt kein Honorar.
> VEROEFFENTLICHEN DURFEN. Einsendungen und email Adressen werden
> vertraulich behandelt.
> —————————————————————-
> Buro Schwimmer - Torstr.106 - 10119 Berlin
> 030 - 257 00 547 —- 0170 - 90 24 898
> —————————————————————-
> for the last edition:
> deadline Wedn. Oct. 19th
> opening Wedn. Oct. 26th
> 19m SLIDE-PROJECTION slide projection in the store front of the
> Birthler Commission of Investigation of GDR's Secret Police files
> at Alexanderplatz Berlin (Otto-Braun-Strase 70 / 72)
> An art project of Sibylle Hofter / Buro Schwimmer
> follow-up project of Kawiarnia Europa Lodz - Berlin
> we choose works connected with the subject of dominating secret services or similar institutions.
> The focus here will lie on the individuum:
> on one hand: what happens to a person who (in the name of an institution) observes
> the private life of someone, and on the other hand: what happens to a person who
> involuntarily shares parts of its private life with someone unnamed, with an
> institution.
> and of course since we are visually based: what kind of visuality is caused by these
> enormeous apparatus of observation, fear and statistics.
> the site
> the whole complex of buildings at the corner to alexanderplatz is used by BStU
> ("Fed. Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former
> GDR". in socialist times: "house of statistics" The building is situated in
> direction to greifswalder street, parallel to the tunnel exit. vis a vis to the
> former "house of travelling" and the police headquarter (from 20ties till 90), since
> than used by different branches of police. behind our panes was the Mocca-Bar.
> Besides is a hunting store, formerly the "Suhl hunting hut". Allover: north and east
> are big apartment-blocks, and traffic axes to all directions. the plan is to tear
> down the building.
> each participant can prepare about 5 window-fronts one after the other.
> after consultation may be more.
> Please don´t do less than 3, they don´t need big differences between each other, but
> spectator normally needs some time to get into a new work.
> You can send sketches to possibly avoid dispensable work.
> Each edition consists of 80 phases and is shown each night for about 3 weeks.
> each phase stays 10 Seconds. after about 12 minutes the the cycle repeats, means
> that time is a strong factor, but no film-like interval.
> we need jpg format (please download the empty file from the website and use the
> optimised new one.
> the usable window-front is 2,2 high and 19 m long, consisting of 8 nearly square
> fields (7 plus the double sided door)text-works turned out to be technically
> difficult (nevertheless we love good text-works) Please study the documentation, do
> get as used as possible to the conditions of the place. Its really interesting but
> difficult, there´s unevitable streetlight and a wire fence infront. No chance just
> to use it as a neutral outdoor exhibition space. Tender contrasts will be swallowed,
> bigger structures which rich of contrast from their nature are more applicable.
> (documentation will soon be online, or ask us)
> we cannot pay honorary. By submitting works the participant definitly declare that
> he/she posesses all the rights neccessary for publication of their works. And the
> participant gives us the unlimited right to publish their works within the frame of
> this project without any honorary.
> submissions and your email adresses will be treated confidental.
> We are looking forward for your submissions!
> Sven Eggers
> Please forward this mail to where it might make sense!
> feel free to ask if something is not clear
> apologies for x-posting
> please let us know, if you don´t want any more infromation!
> ————————————————————————