Open Call for Transmission Art Web Projects

Please submit to Open Call! See below, and at: for details.

Rhizome and free103point9 Open Call for Transmission Art Web Projects

free103point9 and Rhizome are pleased to announce a collaborative call for
web-based works that explore transmission as a medium for creative
expression. Projects should practically and/or conceptually incorporate
transmission themes and tools. Applicants are encouraged to visit
free103point9's online Study Center resource for historical, technical,
and cultural reference materials on Transmission Art.

Projects should have been completed within the last year of the opening of
the exhibition: January 7, 2006. Projects that are in-development at the
time of submission will be considered as long as their completion date
seems to fit realistically with the exhibition timeline. A modest artist
fee will be provided in support of selected projects. We welcome a wide
range of interpretations and ideas.

Selected projects will be included in an online exhibition featured by
both free103point9 and Rhizome websites January