\ ult!matl! lv kan do u!th zee!ng rezp!te

tina asked

>NATO.0+55 for OSX … tell me what you know

I don't know anything. I just listen to an oyster shell as I lean out of
an amalgam of dreams intoxicating international boulevards. sliding delicately + not so
delicately the depth of submarine precipices, illuminating .5 path towards the registration - in reality
1x crime skating in abstract clouds.

Before NATO.0+55 for OSX we shall experience NATO.0+55 for David Zicarelli's
supermarket clearance of … others soapy minds [politely speaking … u!!!ztl whistle]

Never did NN consent to being kidnapped by the benadryl-intoxicated smueuerf mafia +
being sold in little italy to over 18 but not precisely so swine, despite their attorney's xy-comical
[politely speaking … whistle glare] delirium that NN's skirt was too delicious and they just couldn't
help themselves to … the eternal agonies of swine.

With a less than dreamy gaze NN wonders what twisted metals hide in modern swine afflictions.

We understand that a tea-bag containing white and black sand will require superlative
shaking and perhaps a candle and a prayer before the black and white granules have drifted apart
completely, mais … short.fat.weasel swine metabolism could be more considerate of NN's plastic birds.

The sounds in the kitchen will expertly + legally conclude in the infernal heat of _summer at which intersection
I shall playfully dip my USDA approved fingernails into individual Cycling74 capsules' comportment
… because when I cook I simply adore thousands of little scents to run up and down my cerebral hemispheres.
Don't you +? Tamed visions + modernized pleasures…

And so my fairy tales shall care.ss the wild west altars again - care free + stain less.
t!l dzn …

amorously - NN \ flok!ng !n elekt narkot!kx






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| dze f!
nal traum . f!
nal traum

|| !dent!faz!on prosesz 2 asez uether 2x knotz
kan b tu!ztd !n2 1x !dent!kl 4rm _____…