Dress The Nation

Avatar Body Collision presents:

Dress The Nation

"As a response - a response - to the OUTrageous theatrical
demonstrations of Lysistrata throughout the land(s), I, George W.
Bush, will dress, re-dress and NOT undress the Nation … in a
jaw-breaking speech - a jaw-breaking … speech …"

Scheduled for March 3rd (& 4th) at the following local times:

New York4:008:0012:0016:00
Australia (NSW)20:0024:004:00 (4th) 8:00 (4th)
New Zealand22:002:00 (4th) 6:00 (4th) 10:00 (4th)

To join the performance, you will need to have the Palace installed
on your computer. This is easy to do, and there are instructions and
download links at http://www.avatarbodycollision.org/palace.html
(email one of the Colliders if you need assistance).

Once you have the Palace installed, come to the Avatar Body Collision
Palace: wetnorks.net, port 9998.

This production is part of the Lysistrata Project
(http://www.lysistrataproject.com), a global theatrical act of
resistance to war.

Avatar Body Collision - http://www.avatarbodycollision.org

helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst
[email protected]