let me hear your voices

now i know you all know how to use a microphone, and i know you all know
how to plug it into your computer (although passing it through an enhancer
doesn't hurt; a small 4 track mixing desk i use)

what i would like is to hear is all of rhizome's voices on my audioblog,
reading poems, saying hello in the language of their choice, ranting or
raving on the topic of their choice, telling jokes if they feel like it.

so i have prepared a little tutorial using techsmith's camtasia studio to
capture my screen and output it as a flash movie.
the tutorial runs you through using audioblog by jeremy allaire and
accessible through http://bilbo.macromedia.com/audioblog

the tutorial is at


what is basically involved is recording your piece, it is stored as a
streaming mp3 file on the macromedia server, audioblog gives you the code
for accessing it, you send the code to me and i enter it in my blog.
unfortunately you can't post code as comment or you could do the whole
process your selves.

so i expect to be getting your voices as code in emails very soon.
love to hear your voices.
i'd just love it.

wouldn't all of you like to hear what everybody else sounds like?


komninos zervos
lecturer, convenor of CyberStudies major
School of Arts
Griffith University
Room 3.25 Multimedia Building G23
Gold Coast Campus
PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre
Queensland 9726
Phone 07 5552 8872 Fax 07 5552 8141
homepage: http://www.gu.edu.au/ppages/K_Zervos
broadband experiments: