SymbioticA postgraduate degree in Biological Arts MSC (BiolArts) and Grad Dip (BiolArts)

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SymbioticA will offer as of 2006 a postgraduate degree in Biological Arts MSC (BiolArts) and Grad Dip (BiolArts) designed for art practitioners, scientists, and Humanities scholars who wish to engage with creative bioresearch.

The course will focus on recent advances in the Life Sciences, both in theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thought, exploring ethical and cultural issues and experimenting with cross-disciplinary art and science projects.

SymbioticA: the art and science collaborative research laboratory is based in the School of Anatomy and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia and the course is run by the Tissue Culture and Art Project artists: Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts with some lab components run by Gary Cass from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Based in a Science Faculty facilitates access to scientific laboratories, techniques and expertise rarely available to arts and humanities students.

Students who have previously majored in arts will be required to pick up science units and science graduates will be required to enrol in art units. Students would then join together in the SymbioticA units: Aesthetic Crossovers of Art and Science and Art and Life Manipulation.

The course will consist of an equal content/discourse/methodology from the two disciplines. The laboratories will focus on learning scientific techniques in a meaningful way for both the artist and scientist and using these techniques for creative output in order to create a true hybrid unit of Art and Science that is multidisciplinary in nature as well as in title.

For more information regarding course requirements and enrolments contact Ionat Zurr: [email protected]