Re: Bye BYE Miss American Rhizome

hi - sorry you are leaving Natalie. You may have, like others, may have
been insulted by 42 … but your contributions to Rhizome are obviously
read by a lot of others. I for one appreciated your contributions.

Is 5 too much? I am thinking about it, (the ethics)alot actually. Your
point is well taken. Here is a dilemma that I have been thinking about;
recently I have tried to learn Falun Gong. Part of the philosophy of the
class is that it is 'free to all'. The center that it is being taught at
has had to ask for a nominal fee ($5 interestingly enough) to pay to keep
the lights on and a janitor employed. I see both sides - of which, are very
pragmatic. In the end, I have decided that it depends how much I needed to
become a practitioner - how that would effect my 'day to day'.

So I suppose that Rhizome doesn't affect you enough for $5 worth? This is
the question I have asked myself too…. the cost of proliferating any type
of rhizomia. There is always a cost, it depends on our hunger.

r, doug

—–Original Message—–
From:NATALIE MYERS [SMTP:[email protected]]
Sent:Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9:15 PM
To:[email protected]
Subject:RHIZOME_RAW: Bye Rhizome

I would like to take this oppurtunity to say good bye to everyone at
Rhizome it has been fun. i will say good bye because i do not have 5 $ to
be a memeber maybe i will beg for the money at a local store sign in hand
says, "Please help need 5 $ to hang out on the net. and be insulted by
karie D42." anyway, it has been fun thanks for being really caring and
wonderfull people bye paul thayer bye manic bye marc garrett bye lev bye
karie bye everyone be safe and well…… i will miss you

Natalie Myers

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