images festival///toronto///call for submissions

Dear friends and future friends of Images:
The DEADLINE for submitting works to the 2006 Images Festival in the
NEW MEDIA or PERFORMANCE category is 18 November 2005.

The Images Festival is Canada’s showcase for the innovative edge of international contemporary media art. Over the past 18 years, the festival has screened thousands of independent films and videos in all genres, and has presented performances, media art installations and online projects by many renowned international artists. Attended by more than 20,000 people each year, the Images Festival is a critical forum for the independent media arts in Canada and around the world.

The 19th edition of the Images Festival will take place 13-22 April 2006
in Toronto, Canada. Full guidelines and entry forms (in .pdf format)
can be downloaded from:
under "SUBMIT"

If you're unable to download these files, you may request this document
in .rtf format from:

Best regards,
Scott Miller Berry

401 Richmond St. West, Suite 448
Toronto Ontario M5V 3A8 CANADA
T 416.971.8405  F 416.971.7412

19th edition—> 13-22 April 2006