Call for Political Art and Photography

Red Pepper ( is an independent green, left and radical magazine based in the UK.

We are looking for artists, designers and photographers willing to submit work to appear on the cover of our magazine. We do pay, but as a small independent publication you’re not going to become rich from this contribution.

We also have a monthly ‘rear view’ section - the full-colour A4 inside cover of our magazine - which is a space for political artwork and photography. This (unpaid) section is intended as a showcase for the artist’s work, and includes a brief description of the work, the artist and details of any current or forthcoming UK exhibitions.

If you would like your work to be considered for either our cover or rear view section, or if you would like to join our artists and photographers contact list, email oscar[at] . Please include the word ‘artwork’ in the subject line, and attach either a small (max 500kb) sample of your work or a link to your website.