Re: <nettime> Religious Sect Announces First Cloned Baby

>The following post was sent to the Genetic Programming list on

>eternal life

godz temptaz!on haz alua!z b!n mor dangerouz dzn zatanz

dze onl! dz!ng 1 ounz = 1nz death
ue l!v 4 odrz. abr ue = d!e 4 zelv.

>eternal life

anodzr azault aga!nzt dze !nd!v!dual

kolekt!v paz!onz u!n ovr !nd!v!dual paz!onz.
humanz != an! lngr knou hou 2 lv.

kreaz!on = zeparatez 1 4rom 01 odr
zanz dze shadou ov lv.

uat !ntereztz humanz 2da! = dze human kond!z!on
not !nd!v!dual fatez

l!bert! = dze lazt ov !nd!v paz!onz.
u!ch !z uh! !t !z !moral. lv teor!e = macht ganz gluchkl!ch + fre!


xy lozer

nn - utr d!zguzt 4 all zoz!et!ez

>>Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 06:51:43 -0000
>>Subject: [GP] EUGENICS
>>The following is from
>>Humans are very much like our primate ancestors. Unfortunately, with
>>our larger intelligent brains, we have acquired the ability to
>>foresee our deaths as soon as we are able to understand life, at a
>>very young age. With this horror, we have instead of facing life
>>with knowledge that we have a brief time to live – a time to be
>>made the most of – we have turned back to our primitive instincts
>>and succumbed to religion, false beliefs, and submission to
>>dominance by others.
>>The answer to this dilemma during most of this century, has been to
>>try and change human culture, assuming it is infinitely malleable,
>>leading to the agony of communism and the short comings of
>>egalitarian democracies. And in the rest of the world, despotism
>>reigns under numerous doctrines, with little hope for the people
>>subjected to the state's propaganda. This web page is dedicated to
>>putting forth the view that to change the human condition we must
>>change the innate nature of humans, that is, we must encourage the
>>breeding of people with a higher intellect, people better able to
>>understand what motivates them and who can eventually revolt against
>>the subjugation by the state or the controlling elite.
>>It is my contention that this can be done by focusing on innate
>>human traits we want to promote through a better understanding of
>>behavior genetics. But to promote eugenics as a secular religion, it
>>becomes necessary to begin with a political agenda to bring it
>>about. Much of what I advocate, in keeping with the understanding
>>that evolution occurs at the genetic, individual and group levels,
>>has to do with advancing both individual eugenics and group
>>eugenics. That is, it appears that eugenics can only be advanced in
>>a world where nations are free to advance their own interests
>>without interference.
>>Anyone who is familiar with the United Nations, NATO, the European
>>Economic Union, and the New World Order knows that we are on the
>>brink of giving up national sovereignty for a world totalitarianism,
>>where a central committee will dictate to the masses how to think
>>and behave. We see this happening now in Afghanistan, where the
>>United States has decided that it can attack any nation that harbors
>>terrorists, of course forgetting that terrorism is how states often
>>come into existance and/or change. One man's terrorist is another
>>man's freedom fighter. I advocate only two viable options for
>>eugenics: a return to nationalism, where competing nations will
>>experiment with various social and scientific agendas to raise their
>>peoples to higher levels of intelligence, followed by other traits
>>the population desires to promote; and/or, to increase group
>>solidarity and practice eugenics without borders. The second one has
>>been practiced by Jews for thousands of years, but it can be a
>>dangerous road to follow for it invariably leads to group conflict
>>in the nations where Jews dominate. Much of my writing has to do
>>therefore not with the technology of eugenics but with human nature
>>and how we react as competing groups.
>>Some have asked why I do not consider libertarianism in my scope of
>>possible means for raising humans to higher levels. I do not
>>discount it outright, especially since I personally have a very
>>strong libertarian affinity. However, it appears that
>>libertarianism is not attractive to most people except a few
>>intellectuals, and I therefore prefer to focus on political systems
>>that I feel have a potential for success. I hope libertarianism all
>>the best, but I just do not see it as intricately bound to human
>>nature as is the cohesiveness we find in national ethnic identity.
>>Eugenics is here to stay, and the only question now is how severely
>>will political forces try to stamp it out and what group or nation
>>will be the victor in the end. But a more highly evolved human will
>>be the result and this process will continue unabated into the
>>future. Nietzsche's supermen are right around the corner waiting for
>>their creator to begin the task. We are their creator, they are our
>>Finally, you may ask why so many of my articles are intertwined with
>>the Jewish approach to eugenics and why I use them over and over
>>again to make numerous points about human behavior AND about the
>>need for nationalism. First, Jews are one of the few identifiable
>>groups (actually, the the Ashkenazi Jews specifically) who have
>>practiced eugenics with tenacious success that has raised their
>>intelligence to a remarkably high level, along with increasing group
>>cohesiveness leading to extreme ethnocentrism or xenophobia.
>>Several issues arise from this achievement. First, because of the
>>form of their genetic selection process, they have primarily
>>developed their verbal skills, making them uniquely adept at
>>manipulation, deception, propaganda, academics, the media, etc.
>>This would not normally be a problem, except that they have managed
>>with this verbal skill to control politics and national policy,
>>while those with other skills have built the technological
>>foundations of great nations in Europe and America. That is, the
>>Jewish contribution may not have been very great or even negative,
>>as their accumulation of far greater wealth than any other ethnic
>>group has to do with their abilities in manipulation of other people
>>through the power of words rather than through constructing or
>>building industry. Skilled craftsmen and technicians are as
>>important as lawyers, politicians, academics or journalists; but the
>>rewards have gone to the elite who have the power of the word over
>>the skill of the craftsmen.
>>Second, Jews have been at the forefront of promoting
>>multiculturalism, diversity, globalism, etc., while trying to block
>>nationalism, while at the same time embracing Zionism. This faction
>>of Jews, leftover from the days of Communism have maintained their
>>presence in academics, the media and politics and are the primary
>>stumbling block to other ethnic groups trying to form their own
>>cohesive nationhood based on their genetic similarity, just like the
>>Jews have done in Israel. My objection to Jewish influence in
>>America therefore is strictly political and aimed at the Jewish
>>left, not the empirical Jewish right, and their are many of them who
>>reject multiculturalism and genetic assimilation of incompatible
>>peoples. These Jews I embrace, the few that there are on the side
>>of eugenics and human advancement.
>>And from the East, I also see an emerging nationalism. It may be
>>that the eugenic program I envision will take place in countries
>>like Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, India, etc. They may be able
>>to overcome the individualism and lack of solidarity found in the
>>Christian West. Christianity may only be the expression of a people
>>who are creative and intelligent, but lack Nietzsche's concept
>>of "the will to power" necessary to turn against destructive
>>sentimentality found in the West. We have much to learn about what
>>is genetic, and what is cultural. But if Christian morality is made
>>up of a genetic weakness then a new species of human will have to
>>come from the East, or from a hybridization of East and West. This
>>issue will be taken up in detail as we learn more about what
>>contributes to each civilizations inability to apply eugenics
>>effectively. But competition between groups for intellectual
>>superiority will be the driving force of eugenics – and nationalism
>>is the formula for this friendly competition. May the most
>>determined, and empirically driven race win.
>>The above is from