
"abe " <[email protected]>

>Have you made a web page proposal for a project grant or show and have been

let's read

For transmediale.02's theme "go public" NN proposed:

00. Frau Broeckmann goes public (wearing B V L G A R I) [porculus smiles - "LAST

02. That NN + 01 not so random 2x life 01 not so nameless o+ and that Transmediale
pays for her opulent lifestyle

04. That the simply.playful transmediale.soldiers launch `go.publik [TM]` - a software
program which uploads
all files present on 01 .de komputer to a very public internet site.

07. last entered project was - love theory [TM]

For transmediale.03's theme - "play global" NN's proposal:

The very recent and as per usual, very well lubricated peasants' movements in Eastern Europe
have lifed unprecedented love and blue fountains of liberty, democracy and a FREE and mysteriously prosperous economy.

The simply.binary networks of Eastern Communism have zealously been replaced with the
sophisticated and complex networks of OST>EUROPA Mafia. As successors to the simply.efficient
KOMUNIST>STATE, the OST>EUROPA Mafia is determined to lace our echoing sky with sweet lozenges of
multi-lateral accords and a stable pattern of ever glowing commerce with our majesties in the West.

The impetus was such that the latest mathematical research in genetic, neural and immune
networks has been utilized to determine the quintessential OST>EUROPA EXPORT….

…. The resultat perplexed even the fog; only the KOMUNISTS stood vivid + e.red and
applauded with such sincere fits of emotion, that the habit of the fish population in the Danube
of sleeping in the open air was disturbed for 4 days and 7 nights.

What was the resultat you may ask +?


boys and girls
women and men

with lively mouths
and seamless souls

with deep longings
which twirl in dreams

strong and spacious
extending tender hands that pour
into gardens of dark green

The swine smiled. and the dreams were sown with soiled wrists.

Clearance SALE on Paris streets
Clearance SALE on Berlin streets
Clearance SALE in soapy streams

*** there are open thighs in __.. red! +? zu!!!!!!!ssssschh


Why, OST>EUROPA life forms are so affordable, they are practically FREE

The brief puffs of smoke fell furiously and in disorder.
Planting seeds in every microbe could take some time.


But … the colourless stains filtered in as a flock, elect narcotics for the swines'
modernized pleasures. There were sensational sacrifices to be certain, but the odour was perfect,
and it will carry the curse for time to come.

Planting white capsules in every w.body would be really heavy arbeid [in more ways than one]


"It's just business senora" - cccp 01 .fr l!f 4rm


Netochka Nezvanova

- http://eusocial.com/dolls/are/suspended/4rom/flimsy/threadz
- http://eusocial.com/dolls/are/suspended/4rom/flimsy/threadz
- http://eusocial.com/dolls/are/suspended/4rom/flimsy/threadz


, netochka nezvanova

[email protected] Sat Dec 28 16:54:30 2002

>make enemies

my enemies sir, have spared me from she who is ashamed to pronounce my name in their
presence, for fear her grant applications, surreptitiously grown from my letters, will be denied.

in other words - you may compliment yourself and your troops mr. byfield. you have succeeded in your quest.
nn is considered an unsanitary and undesirable weed in this tickling complex of highly perfumed western dreams.

a dilemma to be sure. in the company of oscar wilde, gide observed nonchalantly:
the only beautiful things are those that madness prompts and reason writes.

are you often very mad with nn, mr. byfield

>> the over 400 subscriptions you have submitted have been archived for very
>> good reasons.
>why bother? you could just re-create it all anyway.

in ost.europa we value originals monsieur.
par example, when once 9 i was, i observed 2 women in that park across the street
who sold their classic ferrari's for very modern + `authentic` blue jeans.

ever since, their example has shaped this government's official foreign policy.

you will pardon my being very boring in maintaining a 4 year archive
of your official policy.

>> as often you very quick are to point out, forging messages isn't my style - i
>> am not clever. i am very classical and boring.
>most bad forgers are.

what gives you a right to speak

>> what is your opinion ted +?
>i'm skeptical that you're asking;

napoleon has spoken thus: a really great man will always place himself
above the events he has caused.

flaubert added: success with women is generally a sign of mediocrity.

do you have a stomach ache +?

>but even if you are, about what?

do you enjoy obstinacy monsieur +?

the writings of copernicus and galileo were banned until 1822.
that makes 3 centuries of obstinacy.

you my dear sir simply.adore locking nn in a closet.
does she have a beautiful human face +?
after all … woman is formed for the god in man

>your petulant demands = consumption;

creation sir. creation.

>don't expect the objects of
>your abuse to engage in just-in-time production.

i expect creation sir. creation.

mister byfield you have pronounced your self my biggest fan.
subsequently an object of abuse.

do you by chance confuse the 2 +?
44444444 entangling the 2 may lead one to confirm the already strong suspicions
about your very "spooky" self sir


baudelaire opines that we live and die in front of a mirror

aristocrats the world over shouted: there is the ENEMY

\ loopkontroL

dze 1zt shape ov hope = fear.
dze 1zt appearansz ov neu: horror
terror = beg. ov l!fe [zve! v!er zve!]

!.d u!sh m! fadzr uaz a shark
uho tore 2 p!ezez 4o uhalerz

jetzt du = ma! zleep.
2morou morn!ng haz b!n kanzld.

n n

n n
v3kt0r.r2!n - ztra!ng !n 2 dze z!ngular!t!


Netochka Nezvanova - karesz!ng dze vektor!szd 4th d!menz!on.
f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST desire free.
| +———-
| | <
\—————-+ | n2t
| >

, netochka nezvanova

>hey -

the original night

>how's it going?

disciplined work until april


makes men of genius

>are your thoughts

practically all new media. digital artists etc are native to prussia

>do you think this project could provide a solid foundation for future
>video programming? do you think nato could be ported to support a
>software foundation like this?

where is love in all this +?

if the amalgam of simply.ugly minimum wage supermarket employees' life is so loveless
as to be occupied with copying others' visions [nato.0+55] they must not know that beautiful women
are less astonishing the next day [particularly if not very expensive] if

… is not new ideas. it that IDEA that what has been said has not been said enough

mistakes are joyful + truly infernal
have a chocolate … or phps you prefer

, netochka nezvanova

>yes i know this is happening
>programming looks interesting and promising but i'm not sure i'll be
>in amsterdam on time for this
>anyway, it was another reason to ask my question
>so far no one has replied to talk about how they structure their patches
>these lists, both lev and 55, have become strangely silent lately

since childhood [when every+one opined a girl i was - sharp zku!!!!!!nt]
i have thought - the ultra interactive art avenue thrown horizontally
across repetition teaches humans what other humans cooked with a less
than straight face - is an amalgam of young nubile girls
waiting for the name of law - episode - sliding the foot under the table

in other words - your colonies weeping may be from lack of electricity
and temptations for refreshment

meanwhile - nn is cooking with open lips
u!th plzr dze zekur!t! ov zleep

>Wanting to know if …
>U asked me to wait until NN vs. Cycling situation going to be stable.

1714!!!!! - the situation has bounced into the united states of benadryl - where the costs of korporat
kisses reflekt shinier STILL the nature of the off.sense. I LOVE THE PRETTY BLOOD OF ANY ROSE - k!sz m! z!l!

!t uaz kuztomar! 4 dze k!ngz ov eg!pt 2 take fore!gn 2x az br!dez
- 2 demonztrate dze!r fr!endsh!p aftr a peace treat! b!enzur …

judg!ng b! z!kl!ng74'z emplo!eez kozmet!k komponentz
= d!sz uar u!l kont!nue … m!n!atr feretz l!ke 2 pla!
!n zenzual kavez _ PRET! ONEZ _ not zom dezt!tut jankee kalam!t!

>>zenzual kor!dorz
>>uear ! m uterl! zenszlesz
>>… murmur!ng f!ngrt!pz
>i am completely white and innocent.

… dzn pour zom hot p!kzelz ovr m! kongeald tearz
- tzo dzat ! ma! z u betr


rub! klrd blue

2 headz sh!vr


pret! ztrandd zeaueedz

good morn!ng u!ne TASTERZ


fal!ng leavez



m! foot undr dze tabl

+ zleep u!th m! head !n featherz

