NN, Marc Garrett, Joseph McElroy, Max G2K : ego at work

Mis-identification with local cultural norms as "objective values" meant
that discussing 'freedom', 'justice' or 'peace' was largely illusory.
People used the words without self-inquiry about why this labeling
occurred, or changing "mental models" to gain a systemic view of the
inter-relationship between different intellectual concepts. "Most people
think that justice is about getting what we want and not what we deserve,"
Gurdjieff observed. "Justice must mean some co-ordination between actions
and results of actions." (Ouspensky, 1957a, 205). Gurdjieff's
dis-identification with war-time sociological propaganda

.Whotz wrong with rallying the troopz?

meant that he hid Jews in war-time France while collaborating with the
Germans. (Webb, 1980: 469). He focused on daily survival and his
inner-aims, not loyalty to a national group

.Transferable to net.art "communities".

or abstract ideal.

.The humaaaaaaaaaaanity. Bleat bleat. The "common good".

The antithesis of Gurdjieff's autonomous individual with awakened

.It must be so horrible, so very horrible Joseph, isn't it?

was the Hasnamuss who "never hesitates to sacrifice people or
to create an enormous amount of suffering, just for his own personal
ambitions." (Ouspensky, 1957b: 300).

He likened them to unpredictable "mad machines" (Ouspensky, 1957a: 101).

.Very apropos Joseph MceLroy who "replies, replies" meaningless
nonsense no matter what. AND he wants humans to be mesmerized by the
"verbal play" because that is how they are taken as hosts.

.This is also what Nn does with her "poetics" by the way.
Please note that ofa ll of the above, only NN is actually
"eternal"–and all the rest of them are shells who will be
discarded as dead bodies sucked out of life-force when dead.

.The '313' individuals referred to are what appears in
stories as the "vampire" and there are a number of
of pseudo-political, pseudo-artistic, and pseudo-religious
figures, who have abused the structures to "feed" on humans.

John Bennett defined the Hasnamussian individual as someone who "exploits
Demiurgic powers that are in his nature, but does so for egotistic and self-destructive ends." (Bennett,
1973: 291).

Lentrohamsanin, "one of 313 Hasnamussian-Eternal-Individuals,"
was an amalgamation of Lenin, Stalin and Hitler, (Gurdjieff, 1950: 345).
The Hasnammussian individual can be understood as a charismatic leader

.Hallo, M. Garrett. Hello Mr. Joshua Zeidner. How's that "Holy war" ov
yours? Hello, Mr. max G2k with his "restrictions and constrictions"
and dictating to humans "how much they should consume and what"
as well as the justified condemnation to "Hell". AHEM.

with the power to drive their group into conflict (Harff and Gurr, 1998:
562) for their own purposes.

.Tak. And your own purposes is all you care about.
"This lizt iz not how I want it to be".
