gives you the creeps don't it

Consider Joseph's "just believe" "lv" behavior.


Mind Control cults keep their members so busy with meetings and activities
that they become too busy and too tired to think about their involvement.

Quoting Joseph McElroy:

"We are here to keep your time occuppied from doing other things / damage
to others".

Please note his repeated attempts of "I am you". 'We are one".
Your voice is "ours". Discrimination is BAD.

Tak. Cult behavior uses cheap emotional poropaganda.
Uses fear to control and knee-jerk its audience.


Saddam is a cult leader.

Royalty, shamans, zen, taoism, buddhism, and various religions PROPER
are NOT "cults".

In fact, religions proper are concerned with consciousness and liberation
of the individual from "mass programming". It just gives you the creeps
don't it?

Well it doesn't give US the creeps.

Because conscious individuals CAN discern.

Cultism's MAIN vehicle is abuse of the psycho-sexual (belief) mechanism,
energy-sexual predatorial behavior (yes that's been going on for ages
too), and knee-jerking the audience emotionally. Finally, cultism
offers "simple' "explainable" 'answers" to everything.

Take a good look at yourself Joseph.

You and Marc Garrett as well.

Cha-cha, egotistical idiota.