

the pagoda remains upright because of pendulum force from
the top, not the bottom.
interior of the vagina and mouth in infra-red and vocal cords.
construction workers and foremen ordering me away from the site
because of the potential for future terrorist attacks.
embodying a philosophical attitude which refuses to give in
to tradition or authority but cut and ground to a keen edge.
Nikuko watches over me. Nikuko: You've got to stop this worry.
Alan: But there's no time left. I'm close to the end of my life.
Nikuko: There is no death. Nothing is alive, nothing is dead.
Alan: That's easy for you to say. Nikuko: We are all avatars.
I can feel these wires as strongly as you can.
Alan: I can't sing. Nikuko: You are neither pagoda nor opening.
You close everything off. You are afraid of terror.
Alan: I am terror-stricken. I am afraid of philosophy. At night
I dream of torture. I respond with imaginary conversation.
Nikuko: I usurp the imaginary. I watch over you. We are humans
of the last days. There is no turning back. We are moving into
mind. Alan: I want my mind to remain. I care little about
the body. Nikuko: Which mind; mine or yours. Which hour
of which mind. Which day; which week; which year; decade.
Alan: I do not care for time. Nikuko: Care for mind. Transfer
this mind.
the hand swerves with the swerve of the brush. the character
speaks itself through the hand. meaning is an afterthought
of the human just as the brush is the foreground of the mind.
Nikuko: Jennifer I want to play with you. Jennifer: Alan,
Nikuko pushed me in the puddles and my panties are all wet.
Nikuko: Jennifer return to me. Jennifer: Alan, Nikuko is
holding my mind against my breasts.
her mind balloons against her body. her mind spreads across
her chest and throat. her voice rises through her mind.
Nikuko: transfer this.
