Re: Re: when Google has achieved the net art masterpiece, what are the artists to drink?

>From: t.whid
>…something as awesome in scope as Google itself.

The first time that we open a hive there comes over us an emotion akin to
that we might feel at profaning some unknown object, charged perhaps with
dreadful surprise, as a tomb. A legend of menace and peril still clings to
the bees. There is the distressful recollection of her sting, which produces
a pain so characteristic that one knows not wherewith to compare it; a kind
of destroying dryness, a flame of the desert rushing over the wounded limb,
as though these daughters of the sun had distilled a dazzling poison from
their father's angry rays, in order more effectively to defend the treasure
they gather from his beneficent hours.

from The Life of the Bee