The Summer of EREHWON + opportunities @ The Unstitute


"the unstitute;

I have noticed that my presence seems to divert the people that habitually pass through the avenues and arcades that I tend to lurk about in. I can see now how I could carve out further territory for myself through the practise of lurking."


This month at The Unstitute…


Francois Knoetze


screening from 15th August > 15th September 2015

The Unstitute is pleased to present a collection of 5 videos by prolific South African artist Francois Knoetze from his CAPE MONGO series. The project has been specifically curated to coincide with the EREHWON edition of [dis]Corporate Bodies.

Mongo n. slang. object thrown away and then recovered

Cape Mongo follows the stories of five characters as they journey through the city of Cape Town. Each Mongo character is made from the city’s discarded waste – mythical ‘trash creatures’ which have emerged from the growing dumps of consumer culture. In five short films, the creatures revisit the spaces of their imagined pasts – the locations associated with their material existence and the constitution of their social relations – as if walking against the consumer-driven currents of city. From postmodern shopping malls to the bustling streets of the Bo Kaap to leafy suburbia and desolate shipping-container yards, these characters’ journeys conjure up imagery that touches on some of the historical trajectories that have lead up to the endemic inequality and social alienation which characterises present day Cape Town.

Knoetze's work investigates the relationship between the aesthetics of waste and the glossy facade of consumerism. Through public performance, sculpture and film, his practice explores the nuanced lives of discarded objects and the powerful scope that the indeterminacy of trash allows for reorganisation and redefinition.


With over 2,500 online visitors every month, The Projection Room at The Unstitute offers a virtual environment for creative experiments and self-empowerment over archaic creative institutions. See who has been selected this month, and find out more about their creative practice. Consider applying to the Participation programme at The Unstitute.

Visit The Projection Room:



an Evolving [an]Archive


The 9th edition of [dis]Corporate Bodies exists in a state of becoming. It is EREHWON.

The following assembly for your enjoyment represents 4 months of research and collaboration with 8 superb practitioners across multiple fields and media.

The actual TOPIC of our research is left purposefully vague. Who are WE to tell you what to think? People do so for themselves. To prove it, The Unstitute has employed its most sensitive devices in the production of a roadmap for Artificial Intelligence, known as project GORT.

"Nota Bene:

There are many important Twitter #hashtags relevant to the contemporary crisis in race that we can go investigate ourselves; it is recommended that you do so. Join the swarm of voices, hear those who cluster around trends to influence and inflame, vilify and demonise - a great, dischordant symphony of human feeling…

#BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe #HandsUpDontShoot


The Chief Enginer*

The Unstitute is excited to present participating artists: AMELIA JOHANNES (AU), fuZZy face (LINDA STEWART) (SA), DR JAMES LUCHTE (WA), CATHRYN QUAIL (UK) and THE UNSTITUTE / DANIEL O'REILLY (DK/UK)

Enter [dis]Corporate Bodies:



Muvver Tongue


'Muvver Tongue' is an obscene fragment from the series 'Physis' concerning a couple of bent coppers on a stop and search for anyone not white.

Watch 'Muvver Tongue' at The Cutting Room

Visit The Cutting Room:



Open Submissions
@ The Unstitute


The Unstitute invites submissions for these projects:

The Projection Room - monthly feature screenings @ The Unstitute

[dis]Corporate Bodies - an evolving environment @ The Unstitute

Vidiot - a place for watching and being watched @ The Unstitute

Spatio-Mnemonic - take up a virtual residency @ The Unstitute

We aim to process applications within two weeks of receipt.

Apply now!