黃立慧 @ FFFx3.COM!

FFFx3 opens the gallery with our inaugural exhibition, a solo exhibition by Li Huei Huang entitled "Performance of Selfie". jonCates curates this solo show by the Taipei-based Taiwanese artist Li Huei Huang.

In his now classic The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life from 1956, Erving Goffman wrote of the ways in which we all manage our own and others expressions of self through performative means. More recently, our attention turns towards the 'selfie cultures' facilitated and encouraged by our devices, apps and social software. Li Huei Huang, trained as a Performance Artist, performs herself in various affective states throughout the work in this exhibition. These works, selected from a series of selfies the artist shared with the curator, live in the self-reflexive world we share with one another now, a world in which we perform ourselves, sincerity and self-consciousness simultaneously.

FFFx3 藝廊開幕展第一章,由策展人jonCates帶來台北藝術家黃立慧的個展,《自拍的表演。》

目前已是經典理論–加拿大社會學者Erving Goffman1956年的著作The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life(日常生活中的自我表演)中描述,人們其實無時無刻都在藉由某種程度的表演來管控自身的自我表述,或是面對他人交流時的自我表達。近代因為受到行動科技的硬體 / APP / 社群軟體這類技術的發展還有鼓舞,我們的注意力逐漸轉向這類的自拍文化現象。在此個展作品中,行為藝術家黃立慧以她個人的行為藝術背景為起點,表演出各種不同情境影響下的黃立慧自我。這些展出的作品原本為藝術家與策展人分享的自拍對談,現在經過策展人的篩選,不但繼續真誠的與自我意識表演 / 對話著,也同時活在一個跟我們彼此互相共存的自我反思世界之中。