Pixel Pops: Prepare, Post, Present

Gallery exhibition during the month of October 2005 in New Haven,
Connecticut at City Gallery. This is an artist organized exhibition,
coordinated by digital artists Colleen Tully and Cynthia Beth Rubin.
There are no fees to enter.

The Gallery will be equipped with 3 flat screen monitors to display a
variety of screen-based digital works. All work must show evidence of
extensive computer manipulation or be otherwise highly digital.

Acceptable Formats:

–Web-based Works (no live internet available)

–Short Videos & Animations (1 minute preferred, will accept up to 5

–Interactive Works (Flash, Director, MaxMSP/Jitter)

All submitted works must be able to run locally (on a harddrive) in a
web browser such as Netscape or Firefox. Please submit by sending an
email to with a web link to your work.

For videos/animations, artists may upload a tiny version (180 x 120 is
OK) that can be viewed online; if accepted we will ask you to send full
screen version on CD/DVD. Interactive works can be "recorded" and
similarly uploaded. Interactive works must have an additional auto-run

Please also provide a short description of the work either easily
available on your web site or in your submission email. Texts accepted
in English, Francais, and Espagnol.

Copyright Info: all artists accepted for this exhibition will retain
ownership of copyright and all other rights to their artwork. City
Gallery retains the right to use images of accepted artwork for
promotional reasons concerning the gallery.