Lanterna Magika, a point of view on Czech technological art of the 20th Century

Anybody around Paris - this is a good show about Czech art-technology. It
stays open till January 5th. Check it out.


Lanterna Magika, a point of view on Czech technological art of the 20th

As part of the Bohemia Magica, une Saison tcheque en France, l'Espace
Electra offers an exhibition on pluridisciplinary Czech art with the
emphasis on technology and art in their culture. During the era when
surrealism and constructivism were opposed in West-Europe, poetry originated
in the Czech Republic linking modernist utopia and irrational thought
bringing on the beginning of the exploration of the links between art and
technology. With the change of regime in 1989, the sudden access to new
technology allows the research to go even deeper, effecting works of art
that unite utopia, magic and critique of which only magic subsists.

6 Rue Recamier
75007 PARIS
Tel. 01 53 63 23 45

Admission free
open every day from 12am till 7pm, except for Mondays and bank holidays

