deriva, by Roc Parés

Deriva is a participative media performance which takes place on public space and can be followed live, through a web browser, anywhere in the world. A smartphone, attached to a bunch of helium filled balloons, broadcasts out of control images of its drifting flight. Equiped with a GPS, a microphone and a camera this smartphone streams its erratic viewpoint through the mobile network. The audience can follow its live broadcast as well as its trace on a map. The stream of real-time generated sound and images can be followed from any Internet connected computer or smartphone. The resulting video is then reversed and can be seen (from end to beginning) at

About my previous drifting smartphone experiments:

Deriva, An audiovisual live streaming experiment, by Roc Parés. April, 19th, 2014. Eastern Massachusetts. Dedicated to Antoni Muntadas.
Deriva, at Laboratoire Paragraphe. Université PARIS 8 (Vicennes Saint Denis, 2012).
Deriva, my first drifting smartphone. Off-Mobile World Congress (Barcelona, 2010).
Helium, my first drifting IP Camera. Centro Cultural de España en México (Mexico, 2006).
Helium, my first drifting wireless camera. OffLoop / BABA Festival, curated by LaPinta (Barcelona, 2004).