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> I doubt Mark will appreciate this very much…

itz my ztichpost that do timeknot, never mind zimonz…
but pluz zome rampant xpost tentative vor chure i apreciate very much, but there is limite to my very much apreciate zimonz, and vor inztanz my not very much apreciate about erik zalvagio kritik ov mouchette..look i have time to make it long zimonz, hope you will apreciate
I az mark tribe i have zome inconteztable zuper expertiz in moroness & valuazion in idiocy, bezide i propoz a Mark Tribe zcale vor iso & ansi mezur, 10 on the MT zcale would be ze abzolute authenficated on artbase, i.e. ze unpassable, but ze world goes zis way already granchez is at 15 cause french grandeur et noblesse oblige etzeteraz & mouchette iz mezured at 25, zen i accuz her to be geneticaly modified imbezil, coz we know how much zienz zinz vuturizt could be kinda noizy & stinky harley davidzon vor global cretinerie around ze world
& zome could cruise vazterz zan me around it'z only coz they have lower & mucho more aerodynamic forehead.
so i propose a technological (handi) cap grancher must wear always, vor reducing his CX vactor (or reducing i forget, the objective iz to slow down zuch kamiakaz of the ztupidity) & a parachute alwez tight at mouchette's ass, in order they could both fly at Mark IX, maximum, when i i could fly at MARK X az it's usual vor our inzurpassable great nazion vor i can board them and inzpect d!p in their panz if they dont uz of vorbiden zubztanz
ps zimonz you dont want my good, all ze ozers continue to kick my ass it give me bezt impulz at the ztart

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, Electronic Disturbance Theater

A Friend Has Sent You a Quote from BrainyQuote

Dear [email protected],

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Here's a message for you:

> "circumcision changes sexual
feeling for both circumcised men and the women having sex with
circumcised men"

mozt of guy sez women & many guyz are happy to have zome wooden prick zat dont feel zo much any zing zat could bug even the lamentation wall, circumzizion making prick less subject of zome abominable fatwa az precoce ejaculazion or crusader softenen iritation und so on, pluz zat made of circumcized of heavy buggerer what enjoy all earthling & allien..hope you see how much arty iz zis debate, and i expect zome return ov zose who care of art, iz circumcizion ze virst technological device, iz circumcizion a sozial scultpture actionizt in my panz or not, i sez that with my rambo survival knife in handz ready for opening ze jp2's eyes

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, marie eric

A Friend Has Sent You a Quote from BrainyQuote

Dear [email protected],

Check out this great quote that I found!

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<a href="http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/q109240.html"> Click Here </a>

Here's a message for you:

> The future may look a lot like Minority Report.

not only i see some here will commit pedophiliac crime but plus i see wolfy hesitating to merge with dow & going to rhizome office with an explosive panz, i see too tribe yelling in his cellular it's quite the reverse he has to do so why tribe will be alcatrazed in gwam izland with his bunch ov ugly baboun..the way of american god are really impenetrable..anyway i wonder the fuck vribody dogged to say 'good yirz' zen it will be a ztereo of bitchy cry & gnshing of teeth plus of flush of tearz for me coz i have a 2+1 infra sound card for my zpezial elephant xmoviez..but it'z private.
in reading zis la roche's you could check your cholesterolic arther & the amount of totalglub you will need for your poussiv phuck
bonne sante

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